

My dividend portfolio will soon be one year old. It now consists of 8 positions, each of which is saved with €18 per month.

My latest additions are $CTAS (-0,05 %) and $ABBV (+2,04 %)

How do you like my portfolio composition?

1 170,20 €
1,73 %
12 Commentaires

Just keep up the good work!
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16 per month in 8 positions?
Would then rather put €128 per month into an ETF, e.g. $VHYL or $GGRP 🙂
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@Kapital_Koala Thanks for the tip, but it's only my dividend share portfolio. The main portfolio is mainly invested in ETFS 😁
@Aktienmasseur Where do you have your depot? You have 2?
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@dividend_hunter_kcwso The securities account is with SC and my other one with TR
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Why 16 euros in particular? $MSFT I don't understand......
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@Cato_Bamboo Because I split my savings rate over 8 securities? What's not to understand?
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I don't think your stock selection is fundamentally wrong. Of course, it will take a while until you start receiving significant dividends and, depending on your investment horizon, a growth strategy would probably be more sensible, but certainly not bad as a just-for-fun portfolio.
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Personally, I only invest via a savings plan in shares that are "always too expensive" or where it is difficult to get started, but I want to be involved.

It's different with ETFs, where I mostly use savings plans.

In the case of individual shares, I use individual purchases 90% of the time; although this only makes sense for larger sums of money, of course, in order to put the personal time spent on research/analysis into a sensible relationship.
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@KevinE Thanks for your input Kevin. I am also considering whether I would like to proceed in a more targeted manner with individual purchases in this portfolio. Whereby the fees would play a role in the sum.
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If you had invested EUR 144 per month in $TDIV, things would probably look much better now and you would only see "green".
It's my best dividend ETF.
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@Thomas_1963 In this portfolio, I deliberately invest in individual stocks and not ETFs😁
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