
Expenditure/Revenue Recap 2022

Money is what people talk about! #recap2022

In the sense of getquin, which allows us all not only to track our own portfolios, but also to discuss money and investments.

First I want to talk about my income, then about my expenses and be as transparent as possible.

(For tracking I use Finanzguruwhich I use since May)

First my income:

In 2022 I have 55.222,26€ received.

My main source of income is my work in the white collar relationship, there I have 40.464,78€ received (December salary outstanding). The rest came from "rental income" of my girlfriend, tax office, profits (shares, sweepstakes, Ebay) and Co.

The income point is I think but not as interesting as the expenditure point:

My expenses:

In 2022 I have 58.218,25€ spent.

The biggest chunk with 19.334€ lies there with the Living. The rent is always deducted in full from my account, my girlfriend then transfers your part. In total, I / we have paid 9,463 € in rent, and moved in April together. The Deposit from 2.550€ I took over alone (Rheinmetall 7er lever of March runs) and the largest part of the furnishings with 5.686€.

The rest comes from electricity, parking and miscellaneous.

Next comes Invest with 10.046€.

There went 8.213€ to TradeRepublic, 1.148€ in Crypto, 380€ in gold/silver and my little old building society contract was allowed to settle with 300€ happy.

The third point is 7.349€
InsurancesThis includes private health insurance and pension insurance, which is why the amount is so gigantic.

The PKV takes since August 3.487€ and the RV
2.425€Thus remain occupational disability with 784 €, legal protection, accident and liability with a total of 651 €.

Let's move on to a nicer point: Shopping with 6.229€

This of course includes forever of small items.

The ones that stick out are a new cell phone from $AAPL , a lot of $AMZN (-1,56 %) and $EBAY (+3,42 %) clothing $YOU (+0,3 %)
$ASC (+0,37 %) and a lot of untitled stuff from $PYPL (+2,64 %) and Klarna.

But also some gifts for friends and family.

Right after even better: Food with 3.624€

3.315€ went to supermarkets and discounters (I work in a grocery store, so I see a lot of great and tasty things every day) and 262€ to $HFG (-1 %)

2.913€ are for travel have been spent.

Of course beautifully well-behaved with $ABNB (-1 %) !

Likewise, a vacation is included, which I will make only in February 23, but is already paid 🎌.

Finances and taxes forms a small loan from my dad, which I paid him back and Donations for good causes with 2.765€.

The 2.428€ at leisure expenses include books, subscriptions to $NFLX (-2,48 %)
$GOOGL (+0,19 %)
$AAPL (+0,99 %)
$AMZN (-1,56 %) and $DIS (-0,65 %) , ventures, sports, hobbies, hairdresser, cinema and Rock in the Park.

The last of the major items that remain are Restaurants with 1.266€. The most went real restaurants at home and abroad with 684€ and 582€ to fast food from $MCD (+2,76 %)
$DPZ (-1,32 %)
$SBUX (+0,16 %)
$RBD (-1,09 %) and $YUM (+1,35 %)

The rest are then still smaller other expenses.

So... Holy Moly, that took longer than expected 😂.

I think I just took over an hour for all the analyses and the written record, but I think that I have also learned something from it.

Overall, I think that the expenses were ok, especially for the circumstances this year.

Next year I will invest and travel more and spend less on the apartment.

Who has made it down to here I would like to thank upright ❤️

It gives me so much pleasure to talk with you, to write posts and to get to know other views!

Absolutely gigantic thank you to everyone who has liked and commented on my posts this year! ❤️❤️❤️

I think that was my last big post this year, in the next it goes on 😃

Stop stop! There was something else! I want to know how it was with you!

I am clear, not all want to write something like that in numbers but I would be interested in how the expenses and income of you look in percent!

What percentage of your expenses go into investing? How many for rent/house away?

And to anyone doing a post on this, feel free to link, would love to see it! 😃

(Especially what a donkey spends on his meadow or a panther in Bali!).

29 Commentaires

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Make it a challenge and call it #Recap 2022 😬 I'm anyway just doing my personal evaluation, like every year, and am happy to participate and will then post my summary under #Recap 2022 in the next few days. Nice idea and generally it makes sense to look back at the finances of the year because often you find savings potential 😬
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@Barsten right actually! then we make officially ne Challenge from it 😃 Are directly nominated as the first 😁
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Second then of course @DonkeyInvestor
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@MFMIrrgang I will nominate him then 😬
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@Barsten you know what happens when i get nominated for something?
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@MFMIrrgang and anarchy
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Error? You've spent more than you've earned? Otherwise, I think it's cool to make such an analysis for yourself. There is certainly one or the other where you think about it
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@GoDividend It was also tackled the passbook and it is only 11 months wages not 12 But since it is not yet there I did not want to include it either
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Almost 5k eaten...🙆 Buy 20 Kg bag of rice and 1 Kg broth and the savings rate goes to the 🌛 😂
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@Iwant_money_423 Ey absolut true 😂
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What is the function at Finanzguru? I can't find this overview...
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@DerMartin "Distribution of all expenses" under Analyses Do you have Financial Guru Plus?
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@MFMIrrgang Thank you. Yes, I have.
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@DerMartin found?
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Is it only possible with Finanzguru plus ?
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@Laserguru yes can be, but am not 100% sure
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@MFMIrrgang Yes, thanks. Had to play with the settings a bit.
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More vacation!
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you are definitely well covered :-) maybe too well...
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How did you create the overview? You have my subscription to Spotify or Microsoft? Do you do your tax return on Elster or also a subscription? Since I canceled my Amazon subscription I find I also order much less there. A streaming service (Netflix) is enough for me and insurance idk. believe outside of Germany one is there differently on the road and when it comes down to it, they never pay or only parts. Put the money on there comes quite a bit together as you can see in the share prices of insurers... in any case Super that you have made such an overview!
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The photo and the data come from Finanzguru. Spotify yes but is free for me, Microsoft I currently have no subscriptions. Tax return makes an acquaintance of my father for 50€ and really gets out everything that goes. Amazon Prime I have now also canceled a few months ago and also notice that I order less, but Amazon is still there as a subscription, because Audible belongs to those yes. Yes insurance is quite high, but I also want to protect me well, in my immediate family circle there were already with some people incidents that could be overcome so.
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so the editor function on the smartphone here is worthy of improvement. i wanted to ask if you do NOT have a subscription to $MSFT or $SPOT?
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You really spend a lot of money on food, wow! Here is through targeted planning still have to 1000€ plus savings potential!
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@Tradecelly absolute
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I can only roughly estimate, because I do not keep a budget book (more). Income from employee relationship: approx. 40,000€ net Dividends: approx. 2,000€ net Tax office: from 2022 approx. 6-7,000€. Expenses: Housing: 310€ warm for main residence, 280€ for shared room at place of work. Rent is paid jointly by me and my girlfriend, so it's pro rata. Car: approx. 250€ summa summarum incl. everything except replacement. Food: approx. 300€ (canteen, weekly shopping, rarely out of town). Vacation: depending on the year, sometimes more, sometimes less. Mostly less, I like vacation homes as a base for mountaineering. One week usually costs around 700€ / 350€ p.p. In the Alps. Total about 1.000€ p.a. Bits for hygiene (every 5 weeks hairdresser for 20,-, bits shower gel, toothpaste, etc.), about 25€ / month. Gifts for friends and family (incl. weddings): About 50€-100€ / month. Depending on the year. Found pointless to track, as no ice saving potential. Approx. 50€/ month for clothes (my winter jacket already cost 300,- in 2013, but still feels as good as new, wants to say: quality goes before quantity for me). Approx. 50-100€ / month for remaining expenses.

Spending in total varies between 1500 and 1700, what is not listed above, comes together through spontaneous purchases. Resr goes into overnight money (actually now full, 250€ / month) and into the depot (except for an ETF savings plan only one-time purchases, a total of about 20,000€ p.a.. Into the depot.
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@KevinC how do you get the 6-7k from the tax office? 😯 Do you deduct travel and a second home?
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@MFMIrrgang last year long commuted from main residence to work (80 km / distance). Then professional move to new job. Setting up the second home. Deducting the rent and second home tax.
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