
Are you broad enough?

Just for your information, the All Countys World Index $ACWI (in USD) is up 1% YTD,

and in Euro 3% down. (07 March 2025 11:45 - UTC:+1:00)

So if anyone thinks this is a crash, then the portfolio is probably too concentrated.

By the way, on March 3 and 4 the Dow Jones fell by more than 1000 points, @DonaldTrump. 😁

20 Commentaires

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1000 points loss in the Dow 2012: -8%
1000 points loss in the Dow 2025: -2.2%
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@marda304 It's not my fault that he can't calculate percentages, a stupid statement is still a stupid statement. 🤣
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@TotallyLost Well. If you take a tweet from 2012, that's a bit of a distortion. You could also say: how stupid they were to set a minimum wage of just €6 back in 2012. Nobody can live on that.
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@marda304 My point is rather that a president is not God and has power over the stock markets.
Imagine a world in which governments resign when there is a 10% drop. That's a pretty unworldly attitude, don't you think? 🤔
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@TotallyLost Absolutely. That's why nobody resigned because of the drop. Not in 2012 and not in 2025, and not in between.
@TotallyLost Nope, you have to check your jokes properly, otherwise you'll end up laughing yourself xD
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Sorry. But the whole Trump administration is one bad joke.
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@Dominik_76 quite possibly, I just stole it from MSW. But hey, it's so easy to fall for fake news. 😅
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@TotallyLost Yeah, it would suit him and hey with so much bullshit from JTD, why not hit back with equal weapons 😜
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@Dominik_76 because we don't want to stoop to that level. If you can no longer believe anyone, everyone loses.
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Crash because of 0-7% is a bit wild anyway.
I'm down 4.x percent for the month. It already feels bad to be in the red for about a month. However, I remember all too well when I was pretty much exactly in the black at the end of January and beginning of February.

A very small part of me is a bit annoyed because I can't add a few euros for a move.
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf I'm a year's wages behind 😂
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@TotallyLost ouch.

Just had a look. Now 5.1% per month and 3% per year
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf I was 100% $BTC for years and have been 70% underwater before, nothing shocks me anymore 😅
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@TotallyLost oha and I'm sitting there thinking about whether to stay at 5% or increase to 10% in the long term 😂
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf my tip 5% 😉
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@TotallyLost based on your impression of my risk affinity? 😄 or because btc has already run quite hot and is currently weakening somewhat?
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@TotallyLost hehe could be right. I think I'll take the middle way. Let savings plans run for now and see where I end up. Maybe not the best strategy, but easy to manage
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