
I want to too.

Whenever I venture out of cover with tech, things go wrong.... Always wanted to have $NVDA (+0,22 %) in my portfolio, and it was a good price for me just now. I won't hold it permanently, at most until the figures and try to take a few percent with me.

Nvidia logo
Acheté x50 à 111,48 €
5 574,00 €
11 Commentaires

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Nvidia fell below the 200 day line today for the first time in 3 years, I am curious to see the reaction over the next few days
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@Dividenden_Monteur I had seen that, it will be exciting. RSI at 32 and the 100 is above the 200, as is the 20 above the 50. That doesn't mean anything, it's a small gamble for me and I'll add to it below 100.
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@Dividendenopi You've been on the stock market for a few days now and know how to deal with it,
I meant rather: I'm curious to see the reaction of the younger community, who went straight into the knife today.
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@Dividenden_Monteur They are licking their wounds and rubbing their eyes in amazement, but it's not bad to have such an experience at the beginning of the year. We will still experience one or two extremely volatile phases. Perhaps one or the other will realize that this is normal and calm down. 🤷‍♀️🚬
I started with shares this year! Companies that I find "interesting", such as Nvidia, I start with a small amount of €50! Now I'm going to buy more, because I (probably) won't get the stock that cheap!
So don't panic on the Titanic 😜
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@asset_engineer_991 Very nice if you are relaxed. And stay that way even if things get even worse.
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The probability that the share will see even lower prices is already high.
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@Sansebastian In situations like this, you never know how low the knife will fall.
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@Dividendenopi You can't know, but this is about probabilities ;) An important mark (126.86$) was cracked on the downside. I therefore expect prices to fall further.
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@Sansebastian I am prepared for this and will add to it if necessary if it goes down another 10%
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Enter around €100 high performance
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