26 Commentaires

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Not a good sign. In the past, these kinds of bullish phases have usually been the first sign of a dying bull market.
The stupid money no longer knows where to go...
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@Epi If it ends up in the right stocks, it's not stupid money. But I keep my hands off such gambling stocks.
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@Epi So that's a good sign 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor How? The fact that it's not a good sign is ALSO a good sign?
This dialectic is too much for me.
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@Epi nope, the end of the bull market is good 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor Ah, so you're a bear in donkey's clothing!
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@Epi Nope, but I had a WaschBÄR for breakfast. It's still inside me
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@DonkeyInvestor So you've become a ventriloquist? 😮
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@Epi Yes, but it is still quite unclear
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@DonkeyInvestor Soon it's off shopping girls 💄💋💸💸💸
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf We go through all the stores. From A-Z. With the exception of H&M.
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GameStop is not a gamble...
It's a share for life 😂
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@Xim Absolutely, they are all solid turnaround candidates :D
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@Xim A buy & hold Buffett investment!
Collect and leave😊
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Shortsqueeze - so yes, a very good sign. Regardless of the companies mentioned above, burning hedge funds are always a reason to smile.
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The gamblers never left
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It's like soccer and polo for me. Two completely different sports and that's why it affects me very peripherally.
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History repeats itself
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F.O.M.O (Fear of Missing Out), when things are looking up.
J.O.M.O (Joy of Missing Out), when things suddenly go downhill.
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@Cashflow_Investor Y.O.L.O (You only live once) wenn man reingeht.
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@Cashflow_Investor looking forward to Jomo
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Greed eats brains! But many people are gambling. Some will get bloody noses. All in all, a very bad signal. The "garbage" is increasing dramatically. This could put an end to the party... 🤔📉
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No matter for long-term investors.
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so things went downhill after that, so who knows :D but maybe this time everything is different ;-)
Just don't question it and go all in with Europlasma ;)
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