The year 2024 is over in stock market terms and I would also like to review the year.
I started with a portfolio value of just over €53,000.
I knew that a reallocation of around €20,000 was still to come and had therefore set my sights on the target of €100,000.
This was very ambitious, as I naturally didn't know what the year would bring. After all, there were already enough economic and political uncertainties at the start of 2024.
As I only really started investing in 2021 and 2022 was therefore my first full year on the stock market, I made a lot of mistakes at the beginning, had fluctuations in my strategy (once one was in place) and of course also made a few losses.
That's why it was important for me to stay true to my strategy in 2024 and not throw everything overboard again. Because, as I always say, going back and forth empties your pockets.
Some of you may also remember my early days, when I had a lot of savings plans in place, but they weren't particularly high and were constantly being changed. At the beginning of 2024, my portfolio contained a total of 47 individual share positions and 3 ETFs.
My goals for 2024 were therefore
- Stay true to the strategy
- No new stocks in the portfolio, rather clear out
- 100,000€ portfolio value
- 2000€ net dividend
- Investment of €17,000 (without reallocation)
2024 went as follows for me:
January: +4.0%
February: +1.3%
March: +3.0%
April: -0.4%
May: +0.5%
June: +1.7%
July: +1.7%
August: +0.9%
September: +1.0%
October: -0.4%
November: +3.4%
December: -1.7%
TTWROR 2024: +15.8%
Dividend (already in the performance): € 1956.56
Invested: €24,900
Reallocation: €21,700
Thanks to a special payment from my old employer, to which I was still entitled, I was surprisingly able to invest around €5,000 more than I had originally thought.
Did I achieve my goals?
Not all of them.
With the dividends, I'm ~€43 below my target. That's a shame, but it motivates me to step on the gas even more and crack the €2400 net dividend in 2025. That would be €200 net per month, which corresponds to an increase of 22.66%. Again, very ambitious, but you should set yourself ambitious goals.
However, I was already able to break the €100,000 barrier in September. This was of course due to the strong market. I ended the year with just over €111,500. I have remained true to my strategy, but a few new stocks have slipped into the portfolio (and a few out).