SHL Action
Dividendes historiques et prévisions
SHL a jusqu'à présent distribué 0,0418 en 2024. Le prochain dividende sera payé le 21.10.2025
Questions fréquentes
Quelle est la capitalisation boursière de SHL ?
Quel est le ratio cours/bénéfice (P/E) de SHL ?
Quel est le bénéfice par action (BPA) de SHL ?
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires de SHL sur les douze derniers mois ?
Quel est l'EBITDA de SHL ?
Quel est le flux de trésorerie disponible de SHL ?
Quel est le bêta à 5 ans de l'action SHL ?
Combien d'employés compte SHL, et à quel secteur d'activité appartient-elle ?
Quel est le flottant des actions de SHL ?
Capitalisation boursière
131,81 M $USbêta sur 5 ans
0,44BPA (TTM)
0,077Free Float
32,67 MRatio P/E (TTM)
7,07Recettes (TTM)
23,25 M $USCash-flow disponible (TTM)
-4,30 M $USInformations
SHL Consolidated Bhd. is a Malaysia-based investment holding company, and it provides strategic, financial and corporate planning services. The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in an integrated commercial and residential property development business. Its segments include investment and services, property development, construction, trading, manufacturing and quarrying. The Company and its subsidiaries are also involved in granite quarrying and manufacturing of aggregates, general building construction, earthworks, infrastructure works, renting out of plant and machineries, the ownership and operation of a golf resort, the manufacture of clay bricks, supply of finished brickworks of wall and other brick structures, the provision of professional construction management and geotechnical services, the marketing and distribution of building materials, rental of properties and money lending business. Its property development projects are primarily located in Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Construction Services
Ticker primaire