
Investments in immoral shares

Have you ever thought about the fact that your investments can actually be immoral?

If so, how do you feel about it? Do you care or do you pay attention?

If you don't care, I've picked out 3 stocks that are completely immoral 🚀😎

1. $GEO (+0,9 %) - Operates private prisons in the USA

Sales last year were $2.4 billion - so not bad at all 👊🚀

2. $RICK (-0,93 %) - American strip club operator

Here the turnover was doubled in the last 5 years 🚀👊

3. $BYD (-1,34 %) - American company which earns money through gambling.

Not to be underestimated with nearly 10 million Americans addicted to gambling. 😎

Of course the post is only meant as a joke. Although one or the other might be interested in such companies. 😎

51 Comentarios

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"Morality" has no place in stocks in my opinion, so I largely don't care :)
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@RoronoaZoro that's exactly how I see it👊😎
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@RoronoaZoro I see it differently, colleague.
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@RoronoaZoro I also see it that way 💪🏼
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@leveragegrinding And why? ;)
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@RoronoaZoro on what grounds can morality be kept out of anything, it is the only thing that creates some kind of "order"
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@leveragegrinding Morality is not an evaluation criterion of a title for me, because it is strongly subjective and I try to keep such impressions out of it ;)
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@RoronoaZoro I understand that it is easier, but on what grounds can morality be removed from some areas of life?
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@RoronoaZoro so if morality only goes as far as the chance of winning shares is not worth it
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@leveragegrinding I think you're reading too much into my statement :D I'm just talking about the fact that I don't consider morality in capital investments, because it's too subjective for me and the boundaries are too fluid. In my everyday life I do not keep morals out :D
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@RoronoaZoro Yes, but how can you pay attention to morals in everyday life and not when it comes to shares😂 Then it doesn't make any sense at all.
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Morals, I had to google the word first 😂
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@Barsten learned a new word? 🤣🤟
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@Finanzios nope, too complicated 😂
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@Jonas__ The 2nd could be something for you
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Why is investing in a group that keeps criminals out of the public eye immoral? Other than that, I couldn't care less. It's all about monies
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@DividendenWaschbaer correct 👊👍
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@DividendenWaschbaer Because they have an economic interest in NOT resocializing offenders and making them productive members of society again?
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If past misconduct or even crimes were also counted, I'm sure 25% of large AG's would be a no go 😅 See this like @RoronoaZoro
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If it's wrong to invest in something like this then it shouldn't be listed on the stock exchanges🤔.
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@Koenigmidas I don't really care - the main thing is that the money becomes more 😎
Rather unimportant for me. They have their raison d'être somewhere.
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I don't think it's a bad thing with shares, because you have nothing to do with the people involved. In comparison, you have to/should consider how much to increase the rent, especially in such expensive times like now.
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Every company will have something immoral. You just have to look deep enough :)
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@SharkAce I agree with you 😎
if i were as immoral in life as i am in stocks, i would hate myself😅😂.
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The only thing I wouldn't invest in is the arms industry, because I don't want to support wars. But everyone has a different opinion about that. I also have Nestlé shares, and I don't want to talk about this company at all.....😅
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As a shareholder, your leverage to bring about positive change in the company is greater than as a non-shareholder. As a small investor, your leverage may be negligible, but not investing in a company for moral reasons 🤷‍♂️ is complete nonsense. Your few € have no influence
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@SquirtGame That's exactly how I see it. As long as it yields returns 🚀
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Before investing in really morally reprehensible stocks, I think you have enough choice for more morally defensible investments ...
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@mariechristines Of course, everyone can do as they wish 👊 I think it is clear to everyone which company they are investing in and what the consequences can be.
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@Finanzios I somehow doubt that, I think most people don't put themselves in the position of the consequences.
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I honestly couldn't care less.
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Strip clubs, gambling and prisons are immoral for you? What are weapons, tobacco and alcohol for you then? I'm invested in Geo myself, but it's a shame that you can't trade the B.A.D. ETF in Germany.
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@Staatsmann I don't even know the BAD etf 🤔 is then probably exactly the opposite of a sustainable etf?🤔😂
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@Finanzios Something like that 😅 There is only the coal packed in "Betting, Alcohol and Drugs" 😂 All the things that may be morally reprehensible, but generate coal.
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@Staatsmann and how do you get to it?🤔😂
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@Finanzios ISIN is there, now you just have to find a broker for it 😅 Is in the DACH area but not allowed, I think.
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@Staatsmann pity I would invest directly 😎
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In what way should a prison be immoral?
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Oh and no does not matter at all for me
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@Momsen difficult attitude. Regarding weapons production is immoral, how do you then stand to the invasion of the USA in Iraq ? Do you personally sanction now all USA shares / products etc ? What about vacations ? Arab countries outside because of women's rights or the rights of homosexuals ? One should not confuse morality with ideology.
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@Momsen that plays a role in relation to your image of morality. If it's simple, you pull it off, and if it's complicated, then your compass has a blind spot.
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@Momsen I stick to social values and norms. It's easier than constantly running around with your finger up in the air and trying to redefine them.
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@Momsen But that is exactly what morality is.
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