You Americans are strange, buying an Irish ETF to follow your S&P500... No seriously, you are German but only invest in US stocks and crypto, you are missing out on European beauties. Put your money towards a good European ETF, msci Europe or Eurostoxx 600 😎
@Nofan it is just that a lot of European money is flowing towards the US and by doing that it is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy that the US stocks are doing better than European. But European companies are great. We should put more money towards our companies. I'm just telling the same thing to my fellow Europeans as Buffet, Bogle,... and many other Americans to their fellow Americans.
@JorisInvests which ones ? There are not many big players
@Trilly424242 SAP, ASML, LVMH, Novo Nordisk, Shell, Nestlé, Roche, Novartis, AB Inbev, Siemens, HSBC,...