
Crypto Gambler watch out 📣

$APE (+5.51%) was listed today on Binance and Coinbase. A new token? New on two major crypto exchanges? With a monkey as logo? And in connection with the Bored Ape Yacht Club (known from your NFT dealer)?

This just screams wild gambling with incredible gains followed by even more incredible losses! Let's go, jump into the fray, you gamblers.

I watch relaxed from the sidelines and enjoy my 🍿


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Did the thing really go from 0.91€ to over 35€ today and then back to 7€??? 🤯 (at least that's what the 1d chart at Coinbase says)
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Presumably. On Binance it went from USD 1 to USD 15 and is now at USD 8.5. But presumably only very small trading volumes in a very short period of time directly after the launch.
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@DonkeyInvestor simply wild this crypto world 🤯🔥
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I have nothing to do with crypto 🌝
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I'll let you know as soon as they are listed 👍
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I'm going to go with MusterMaxe 🆘
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that makes my heart no longer with. Liquidity put on a dex soon makes more return than my salary :D
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I hope you have enough on the high side for the fun 👍
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I actually invested less than 200€ for it, you just have to stay in contact with developers. Not with youtubers.
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Incredible profits have here only the hodler of BAYC NFTs, especially the "cheap" ones. There are still tens of millions of tokens waiting for the price to rise again a little to dump it for more profit. I begrudge them, because you have to have massive balls to buy such expensive NFTs, unless you are already rich.
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Some fool will buy the colorful pictures already
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Oha 😎
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What a garbage 🗑 tschau
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Give it to me ❤️
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You know that there is a monkey on it and not a donkey?
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That's why I'm only a spectator 👍🦍
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I'm still waiting for the CarotCoin, then it's off🚀
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I have something for you "Carrot (CRT) price, charts, market capitalization | CoinMarketCap" https://coinmarketcap.com/de/currencies/carrot/
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It's clear to me.
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Somehow I can't find it in your portfolio🆘
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@deepmind is also a shitcoin. There is only high quality content in my portfolio 🚀🚀🚀🥕🥕🥕🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
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Funny donkey, normally you don't think when you see a carrot
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I am a crypto-donkey who has nothing against carrots, but has evolved compared to the original donkey and the ignorant golden donkeys
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Gives me Squid Coin vibes
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It's not that bad
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How would you know that :D?
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I am the DonkeyOracle
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I find this post excessively unnecessary and even somewhat offensive.
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I am truly sorry to have hurt your feelings. How can I make it up to you?
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Hi Is it possible to buy these tokens in the scalable broker?
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