
US-Wahlkampf - große Persönlichkeiten aus der Wirtschaft unterstützen Kamala Harris

In einem Brief an die Präsidentschaftskandidatin Kamala Harris haben 88 Persönlichkeiten mit immenser Erfahrung im Bereich des Managements milliardenschwerer Unternehmen bekannt gegeben, ihre Kandidatur zu unterstützen.

Genannte Gründe dafür sind:

  • Harris bisherige Leistungen als Vize-Präsidentin (starke Bilanz in der Förderung von Investitionen und globaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von US-Unternehmen)
  • Harris Wahl sei der beste Weg, um die anhaltende Stärke, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit der US-amerikanischen Demokratie und Wirtschaft zu unterstützen
  • Harris würde faire und vorhersehbare Richtlinien vorantreiben, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Stabilität und ein solides Geschäftsumfeld unterstützen

Unter den Unterstützern sind unter anderem:


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26 Kommentare

I hope she will win 😃
@income_magician_717 Name one reasonable argument!
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Is it me, or is every comment against Harris gets deleted ? I can't see the comments to figure out for myself if they are lunatics or if someone is canceling their opinions. That's fishy.
@Hamdeb I see your confusion so let me explain my intention:

Opinions should be based on facts, not facts on opinions. So I delete everything that goes against it, like typicall russian / MAGA propaganda and their empty phrases. Like people just spreading conspiracy theories and lies. As well as when someone calls a person wanting to raise taxes a communist as this is just a false statement. If instead someone would argue reasonably against tax raises that would be fine. Just give arguments based on facts not emotional propaganda sayings.

But as I have the tools to "moderate" my comment section and I feel like the exposition to false information and propaganda is a huge problem on the internet I try to regulate it.

I see that this strategy has its downsides too, but we've been allowing false information to manipulate discussions for too long already.

So under this post I hadn't met any comment reasonably criticising Harris, so it's been deleted to stop lies spreading and beeing perceived as truths or rather reasonable "opinions“.
@_Star87_ Please educate yourself, russia troll.
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@_Star87_ Said the one calling facts he dislikes "fake news". Like a MAGA cultist would do...
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@_Star87_ What I said: 88 economy leaders endorse Kamala Harris.

What really happened: 88 economy leaders endorsed Kamala Harris.

What you say: that's only your facts and fake news and propaganda...

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@_Star87_ Dude, you sound so fanatic and paranoid and brain washed by propaganda…
@DonAlvaro Bin gerade nicht sicher. Ist das ein Plädoyer für oder gegen Harris? 😅
@DonAlvaro Exactly, the intelligent part of the American population rather prefers to believe in conspiracy theories and is tempted to storm the Capitol by a guy who looks like a giant carrot. 👍
@DonAlvaro Real Account or russia paid? :D
@SteelAnacott Oh Pardon me, a giant carrot that believes or tries to make others believe they are eating cats and dogs in Ohio. Anyway that guy is friggin nuts. Mr Trump what is your take on the Economy? „THEY ARE EATING DOGS.“ The fact that this vote is still very close says a lot about many people.
@SteelAnacott At least he got a concept of a plan 😂
@ad_absurdum Right, about health care he has a concept of a plan since seven or eight years. This is a man who gets things done!
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@PascalWasbeer ze is wel goed voor de startup wereld, kunnen we hier in Nederland ook wel een voorbeeld aan nemen. Prins Constantijn is daar ook mee bezig maar in Nederland staat het er beroerd voor
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