don't FEEL like a mosquito.
stretch yourself.
30 - 40 euros invested specifically and consciously is THE gold.
Who tells you that you are doing the right thing with an investment of 1000 euros per month?
It's not how much is decisive, but first and foremost what...
step on the gas
Best regards
@Duderino Exactly, not just talk but also do.
I know a lot of people who say they want to invest but always drag their feet
@Duderino löl well, how much is important at the beginning! And not what... even if it's just an etfcombi...
@user8ae4cf15958043ec uncalled...
But for me it does matter whether you start at all...
And it makes a fundamental difference whether you start saving consistently at the age of 18 or discover the stock market at the age of 50... At this point you're right - then the level of investment does play a role