
"financial education is not a way to get rich or to work in finance. Far from it: financial education is needed for everyone to be able to untangle daily life choices about money and economics, that is, to make the most profitable decisions, to pay lower costs, to frame present and future needs, to know how money "works"-considering the impact of inflation and diversification on what we keep in our pockets or in our checking accounts, or the distinction between simple and compound interest-and, very importantly, to know how to defend ourselves from scammers and their ever-changing and pernicious pitfalls that leverage our fears and emotionality.

In short, financial education is certainly not a list of things to know, but it means preparing ourselves to deal with the choices in our daily lives, a bit like what happens in other areas such as nutrition, health, digital or sexual education, topics that require precise and correct preparation, even if essential."



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