Meinung für $VTTSX
🤷‍♂🤷‍♀️ Neutral

For someone who is looking to build their investment portfolio specifically for #retirement aren't target date funds the easiest and best option?

I know it means less control but if it can spare the headache of rebalancing and picking funds... why not?

Do you consider investing in a #targetdatefund ? If any, what are the downsides according to you?

In the picture you can see how assets are allocated throughout the investing period.

Would love to hear your opinion :)

16 Kommentare

I like the idea of target-date funds, which are optimized on specific time range, which can be interesting and usually can be better than for DIY that pick on past performance.
It’s lambos or food-stamps, why been rich and old when you can be poor and young
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Interesting. How does it work? What are the costs?
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I just prefer to pick my own funds and stocks + rebalancing is not so difficult.
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How is this working?

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