
$RKLB (+0,31 %) was haltet Ihr von diesem Unternehmen? Ich bin gerade dabei mich zu informieren aber viellt könnt Ihr mir auch was darüber erzählen und ob Ihr denk es hat Wachstumspotenzial.

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Er hat ja nur höflich gefragt... Wenn man keine Ahnung hat dann schreibt man nicht und spart sich dumme Komentare!
Nö lies selber
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About 20% of my portfolio lies within this company and I wish I had more to put into it when I was buying at lower levels. Yes I absolutely believe it has growth potential and will one day 10x.

SpaceX is the leader in the industry and has a private valuation of $200b, RKLB has a valuation of $2.5b. Their backlog is slowly increasing and with the production of their new rocket they will have the ability to launch their own constellation which is where SpaceX’s valuation primarily comes from.

There’s lots to this company but the main detail is that they aren’t a rocket company but a space systems company. Their launches only account for a fraction of their revenue and they recently hit 50 successful launches and signed a huge contract for 10 launches with a Japanese satellite company
Du kannst dir ja mal meinen Beitrag zu $RKLB anschauen. Könnte eines Tages durchaus 100x geben!!

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