When gold finally crosses the 2075-2100$ mark, there should be a kind of short squeeze and a rapid rise. 2300$ at least, perhaps even 2500$ in 2024. What is more interesting, however, is that an upward cycle will then start that should last a few years. My personal price target since 2018 is $4500 sometime in 2026-28. At the moment, I prefer to hold royalty stocks because they benefit directly from the gold price increases. $WPM is a blue chip. $FNV is a bit problematic at the moment, but therefore cheaper. Unfortunately, there is not much interest in the topic here on GQ. Long-term momentum must first be recognizable and a trend must almost be over. For example, the current boom in uranium stocks is of interest to virtually no one here. Yet hardly any other sector has performed so well this year. It will be similar with gold.
@Epi Interesting Variant.
@Epi I also invest in physical gold. Interest is of course there😁
@Finanzios In my opinion, however, the interest in gold should be much greater. For example, the widespread 70-30 portfolio should not be DM-EM, but DM-Gold! This has a much better risk profile and a much better track record than DM-EM. But it doesn't correspond to the current financial market theory paradigms - Academia can't do anything with gold. That's why you don't hear anything about it. 🙄
@Epi I also notice this time and again in relation to my customers and especially friends. Shares yes - gold no😂
@Finanzios The last twitches of a dying paradigm... 😅 No, seriously, there's a huge gap here, in academia, among financial professionals and among laypeople. Just because gold doesn't yield any returns, which doesn't really matter in terms of diversification. Instead, the money is put into accumulating ETFs...