can someone explain to me what is the purpose of an ETF on bitcoin only? maybe I didnt understand it corectly, but as i see this:
you buy an ETF with a yearly cost so they hold bitcoin for you.....why not just buy bitcoin yourself with 0 cost instead?
I can see the purpose with gold, so you dotn have to physically store gold yourself with all risk involved. nowday is pretty safe to store bitcoin by yourself
@madtao These are my reasons: When buying BTC, there are significantly more costs than buying an ETF. As e.g. €1.200 p.a. via savings plan. Costs Coinbase e.g. 12 x €3.84 = €46.08 fee + €14.40 spread = €60.48 plus the fee for selling. For an ETF, the costs for an investment of €1,200 are 0.35% TER and 0.28% spread = €7.56 and of course you don't have to worry about securing the BTC.
@Schneidi1985 oh ok it make sense
So these are my reasons why I don't invest in BTC directly but in an ETF / ETC