
Made it! 100k 😃


A lot has happened in the last two years - savings performance and value development. I'm totally happy that I've now cracked the 100k mark.

The biggest item in total is the S&P 500, then the $VWRL. Gold and Bitcoin also play a role. 5% is earmarked for cash/security-oriented stabilization.

Next goal is 100k alone in $VWRL (-1.02%) and then expansion of $CSPX (-1.18%) . With the latter, the cost ratio, volume and return are just right. Possibly Amunbo again at some point.

Have you done anything differently from 100k or what new goals have you set?


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Top 👍 I'm currently at 42k... in 2 years it should be the same for me 🙏
@getused My goal for 2028
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@getused... Target 2029, possibly also 2032 depending on the situation and market development
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@Coyote980 Good luck 🍀 would also have liked to have started at 18, now 30 😅🤷 how do you feel about $BTC?
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@Coyote980 yes, I don't begrudge the "young ones" who can already start with a small hurdle at 18 today. It wasn't as easy for me as it is today 😅 I've recently jumped on the $BTC train because it's the first time I've really got to grips with it and I no longer see it as a speculative asset 🚀
@getused fun fact: my professor introduced me to the topic back then. At the time, he told me about a new broker called Flatex, with which it should be possible to trade for flat rates - much cheaper than with the cooperatives. Sure, you would probably need around 100k, but then "dayteading" would be possible 😁
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@opportunity_seeker_138 I am a hodler not a day trader 🤷‍♂️ my BTC will be sold incrementally at 10 million at the earliest, if at all
@getused really good! 👍 What savings rate or savings ratio do you have?
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I'm very close to 100k and hope to get there before my 50th birthday 😃 That would be a real, profound milestone for me personally.
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@ChrisBizz I'm about to turn 59 and am happy to have 58k. I'm so pleased that many younger people are doing it just right and investing. Financial management should be taught at school! And not such useless knowledge.
@AnBor209 That's a great amount too! May I ask about your asset allocation?
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@opportunity_seeker_138 I used to own a lot more different ETFs and shares. Crypto too... That was too much effort for me... especially the tax declaration for cryptos. Meanwhile, I'm positioned with $EXI2 and $BRK.B with a pretty good return. However, I've already taken a good 20% out of the portfolio. Otherwise I'd already be at 75k. But you still want to experience something :-) When it comes to $EXI2, I believe that the 50 most profitable companies in the portfolio are enough for me. And the good Warren Buffet is simply better than any ETF, as it doesn't require fees such as TER and has almost the same profitability as the $EXI2. That's quite enough for my needs.
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@Coyote980 That must have been a so-called flash bulb
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Looking back, 100,000 and 500,000 was more emotionally impactful than the million. As already mentioned, you have to get used to the fact that intrinsic growth overtakes savings rates at some point. I haven't changed anything.
@RIR119 that means reducing the savings rate ?
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@Gerald_A Yes, if you have achieved your goal in perspective, it makes more sense to live better with the money. But it's not easy for me. At some point, regular purchases become an end in themselves and an addiction.
@RIR119 I think the truth lies in the middle...and it depends on the age
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Just like with us. 100k and 500k were real milestones. With the million, it was somehow just a longer number.
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Here's to the next 100k! 🍾
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"The first 100k are the hardest." - Congratulations!

I haven't changed anything. It's just that the progress with the savings rate vs. the existing investment feels "ridiculous." ^^

Good luck for the future! 👍
Congratulations, I'm currently at around 80k. I hope to make it to 100k this year. But it will probably be the year after next.
@MTownHotline Why so pessimistic?
@opportunity_seeker_138 I would say rather realistic. Nevertheless, I will work towards this goal. I just realized I need to correct my comment. I meant next year. Not the year after next
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@MTownHotline sometimes goes faster than you think :) in May 2024 I was at 70k and thought I wouldn't make my goal of 100k by June 2025. But I was already at 100k in January.
58k getting there as wel!
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At 100k, you can start to ask yourself: Where should the journey actually go? What is the goal?

From this goal, you can then start to think about sensible strategy diversification. Hardly anyone does this, but it reduces dependence on stock market cycles.
@Epi Have you diversified your strategy? To be honest, I'm thinking more about reallocating the ratio of risk-oriented and low-risk capital.
In any case, my aim is to have the option of making a substantial repayment of the remaining debt when the loan for the EFH matures.
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@opportunity_seeker_138 Yes, I run four uncorrelated strategies: GTAA, Spytips, B&H Gold, equities. Brings calm and performance to the overall portfolio. It's good when the pile is bigger and there's a family behind it.
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Congratulations! What is the idea behind expanding S&P 500 after the 100k in FTSE?
@TaubeSmash The idea is that the basis is then in place and the topping can be more volatile and, above all, more profitable.
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@opportunity_seeker_138 I understand, but find the risk/return profile too similar to the FTSE. Do you think the NASDAQ 100 would be the most suitable option?
@TaubeSmash Is there actually a good source for a direct comparison for exactly this query? Amumbo would probably not be an option?
Sold txn bought black stone lending bxsl
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If the "intrinsic" growth of the portfolio exceeds the increase through externally injected capital, either the portfolio must be very large or the savings rates must be very low...
@Xander13 There should be no connection 🤔
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I'm on the journey too If I had known about it 20 years ago. it started at the end of 2023. Motivation puur. like climbing a mountain. I'm also ready 2-3 years ago, invested in speed, full throttle. Go like hell. All in. Zero consumption. Fixed costs rest all in. No alternatives. If you don't invest, it's your own fault when the whining starts.
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@AlexDividendenBuilder Awesome, step on the gas!
Congratulations, I wish I could say this sentence soon too
Thanks! 100€ ok
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Gratuliere 🍾🥂
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Great Milestone!📈
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Congratulations! Keep up the good work
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Really cool! Congrats! Could you share time spent, annual performance and max dropdown? this graph looks ridiculous 🔥
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Congrats, how long did it take you?
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@opportunity_seeker_138 Well, I guess you went full gas 😅
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I have almost the same strategy but i have a bunch of stocks that are in the s&p 500 to push higher dividends besides bitcoin and eth
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Congratulations! Welcome to the club
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Nothing changed for me either when I had the 100/m. At least I now have some experience and can take fluctuations in my stride ...
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Hope to get there soon brother. Good Job.
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Wow congratulations! I'm still at 20,000 at 21, but as a student I'm also taking small steps along the way - maybe in the new decade :D Do you have any tips and recommendations on what you've had to painfully learn through the years and would pass on to your younger self (or in your case even junior ;) )?
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@Shareholder With this wealth at 21Y, you are probably more than 95% ahead of your age group - and you have time on your side.
I had a few experiments with individual shares at the beginning. On average, they went down the drain. I've since reduced the number of shares to a few and also reduced the asset allocation for this part. In general: I find it important to record the allocation so that you have a timetable and can allocate every euro (as soon as more comes into the coffers, 50% increase in savings rate).
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Congratulations, keep going!
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Congratulations! The first 100k are the most important, then everything goes faster.
Haven't adjusted anything after 100k or 200k. The savings rate depends on my current situation. Overall, I'm trying to focus more on my ETFs and only buy individual stocks.
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