
✨Hello everyone🫡

I am a neurologist and trainee psychiatrist at Bonn University Hospital, and I am researching ADHD. In order to better understand the connection between impulsive behavior and financial decisions, I need your support!

In my work as a doctor, I often encounter impulsive behavior, especially when it comes to financial losses. This leads to serious difficulties for some people.

Therefore, I would like to investigate how inattention and impulsivity in traders

influence their financial decisions.

As an avid getquin user, I know that many of you gain valuable insights into the world of finance here. I hope that this study will not only provide interesting insights, but also give you food for thought about your own financial behavior.

Taking part in my survey takes about 15 minutes and comprises 60 questions. As a thank you, we are giving away 10x getquin Premium for one year each.

💡Your data will of course be treated as strictly confidential and pseudonymized, and you can cancel the survey at any time.


Thank you for your support!

Mx Wy

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Thank you for the contribution and the important topic you are dealing with.

That's why we've decided to give away a few subscriptions to support you 🙌
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@TheRealRapha Can I get one as well? 😊
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It's a shame that Cash Burner is no longer here
He was often very impulsive and would certainly have fitted in well with the study.
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@Tenbagger2024 but I really miss him a bit
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@Lumimyrsky I think the good guy keeps coming back from time to time. Just like fruit flies.
He must have been the riskmanager and emilywillis. Let's see what comes next 😌 but it makes for a nice change of pace
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@Mcl1991 I don't think he'll be back
Skill issue
if you know what I mean ;)
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@leveragegrinding may be 😄 but wait and see
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@Mcl1991 ok you don't know what I mean.

He can't come back.
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I miss him a bit.
He disappeared from one day to the next.
Without saying goodbye
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I took part. I think the result is incredible. If you want, you can have my DNA to do further research.
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Psychologists usually have to go to therapy themselves! They're not quite right! Nevertheless, I'm going to do the questionnaire;-)
@GordonGekko83 well, do it by halves. ...
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@GordonGekko83 😜 you mean psychiatrist
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Sounds interesting, I'm an occupational therapist and ADHD trainer for children according to Lauth&Schlottke 🫡
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I also took part 😌 but also just thank you for doing this job. It's certainly very interesting and yet certainly very demanding. But it's also hugely important for many people with mental illnesses.
By the way, not every Getquin user is still working 😉.
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@MiKeBo always these surveys where the answers are correct, but not the questions 😂
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Gladly supported
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Happy to help! Gladly filled the survey, and thanks for premium getting chance!
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I was also affected - but learned a lot of structures as a child. But as I got older, everything got a lot worse. Now I have an assistant who is severely affected by ADHD and I support her as much as possible so that she can also get professional help.
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Very exciting topic!
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Took part
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I'm in too and thank you for your work ❤️
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Took part 😁
Good luck and best wishes from the north of Bonn 🤞
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some very interesting questions 👍
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Hi Max,
mega cool survey!
Greetings from Bonn, we've often crossed paths professionally, next time we'll chat about our depots😎
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Find some questions lack context or are not exactly well posed, otherwise I was happy to help. For example, you need the repair costs to know to what extent you would carry them out or how long you would rent it out for and...
@topicswithhead Among other things, I didn't understand the question and I would have invested money there simply because I wouldn't want to live in a dump myself. It's probably worse for the return, but I didn't care. If the aim is to make the highest possible profit, then you would probably stick with the original 600 euros without investment...
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Good questions :-)
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I'm in! Thanks for your work! 👍
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Good luck! Support from the netherlands!🇳🇱
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Done right away, of course we are happy to support something like that 💚
nice topic...
Everyone who is on here is looking not only for exchange, but above all for group-regulated impulse control...In a common group with the same interests you keep yourself in check, under certain rules...
Unfortunately, I'm not a candidate for your questions... because I buy stoically like a donkey, via a savings plan... completely lacking in any kind of vibration...

nonetheless...great topic and in the spirit of the market I'd love to hear more or be a silent companion to hear more.
Thank you.
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It would be great if we could marvel at the results of the survey here after the evaluation 👀
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I'm looking forward to the results, especially the correlations between the individual parts surveyed
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Gladly done with. Some of the questions could have been more precise können👍🏻🙏🏻
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The last 4-5 questions were somewhat obsolete if you apparently have no problems with ADHD.
The wording simply doesn't fit. "These problems... , these difficulties..."

My parents used to send me for an ADHD check-up with appropriate tests when I was a teenager. However, they had completely misjudged the extent of the problems I had.
I can well remember that I achieved the "best" test ever there and the people in charge dismissed me again, confused. That was over 20 years ago.
Of course, it was a great satisfaction for me at the time.
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