✨Hello everyone🫡
I am a neurologist and trainee psychiatrist at Bonn University Hospital, and I am researching ADHD. In order to better understand the connection between impulsive behavior and financial decisions, I need your support!
In my work as a doctor, I often encounter impulsive behavior, especially when it comes to financial losses. This leads to serious difficulties for some people.
Therefore, I would like to investigate how inattention and impulsivity in traders
influence their financial decisions.
As an avid getquin user, I know that many of you gain valuable insights into the world of finance here. I hope that this study will not only provide interesting insights, but also give you food for thought about your own financial behavior.
Taking part in my survey takes about 15 minutes and comprises 60 questions. As a thank you, we are giving away 10x getquin Premium for one year each.
💡Your data will of course be treated as strictly confidential and pseudonymized, and you can cancel the survey at any time.
Thank you for your support!
Mx Wy