
Portfolio Feedback for a Student - Investor

A few quick thoughts would be appreciated 🙏🏿

About me:

I'm a young investor about to go to uni this fall and I've always had an interest for all types investing and recently opened my first positions in Trade Republic after reading, researching about different brokerages and services.

So far I am very happy with my progress and the different resources I use, like News outlets, ETF tools, etc. However something I have been struggling with is my portfolio allocation and planning.

I have dedicated a monthly budget of €300 towards my investments as of right now, which isn't a lot (i know), but once the school year starts and I hopefully have a part-time job, I am planning on allocating €700 monthly.

Using Trade Republic I have set up Savings plans for the following positions:

$VWCE (+1,46 %) - €50 (ETF)

$CSPX (+1,3 %) - €50 (ETF)

$QDV5 (+0,55 %) - €50 (ETF)

$MSFT (+1,55 %) - €20 (Individual)

$UCG (+3,88 %) - €10 (Individual)

I want to also add different positions via recurring savings plans like:

$AAPL (+1 %) and $GOOGL (+0,78 %) for individual positions at €20 each

Deciding between $IUIT (+2,23 %) or $XAIX (+2,29 %) for a etf tech focus at €25 - 30

And also unsure whether to add $IUFS (+1,62 %) also at €25 - 30 monthly

With that being said I am also considering opening more positions into emerging markets, however in a more diversified fund across multiple countries, rather than with the $QDV5 (+0,55 %) which only focuses on India. I am also looking into other potential individuals positions for savings plans and exploring possibilites for positions in commodities such as copper, silver, which I know are performing great because of the tech boost happening right now.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

12 Commentaires

good start. I am personally not a fan of financial sector ETF and also may avoid $UCG but would focus to build $CSPX
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I am not an expert but i can suggest to add NVDA in your profile.
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I really dont see the point of adding so small amounts of cash to stocks.
What are you trying to achieve here?

Also, you are buying more $MSFT when the two ETFs you mention already have quite the exposure to it.

Overall, I am confused with your strategy and what you are trying to achieve.
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10% of 10 euros is 1 euro
10% of 1000 is 100 euros.

Quantity is a quality of its own, specially in stocks.
The percentage will work differently, than having them spread across multiple ones. In theory, they would all have to yield the same return for what you said to happen. (Of course this also applies if the stocks loose value)

Also, not to mention the amount of mental work that is required to track stocks, which represent a very small value of your portfolio.

The ratio investment/keeping up with the companies simply does not justify it.
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