20 Commentaires

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Yes, we have the box three times. A good product in itself and with potential, but not an investment for me, at least not at the moment: 1. not yet profitable; 2. lack of moat and competition, especially in the low-cost segment.
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It's not in our children's room. But I know that lots of other families buy and collect it.

Not an investment for me.
I'd rather end up with streaming+podcasts, e.g. Spotify 🤖
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Yes and no. I have to say, I only see potential if you have the licenses yourself and then sell them for the same price as the Disney and co license products. I gave my cousin the creativ Toniss as a present and he quickly found it boring. In the end, it's not a toy car, it's just music
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Thanks, good feedback.
I think the market is also very fast-moving.
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@Tenbagger2024 but they also bought several game brands or wanted to. There are countless podcasts with the founders. They seem like they already have good ideas. Unfortunately, the share has hardly any circulation, so the big investors don't get in. Apart from that, they came via SPAC
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I'll put it on the watch.
But maybe it's just a trend.
Something similar is sure to come from China soon.
@Tenbagger2024 there is already the "Tiger Box" similar principle only instead of the Tonis you put cards in and you have a touchscreen.
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I also have two of them in my room + 50 figures. However, I wouldn't invest in it because I don't have the imagination. If my children had to choose between TV, cell phone, tablet, computer, park, listening to Toni figures or playing something (UNO/children's games), the Toni box would come last. Practical for falling asleep, but not as an investment in my opinion.
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Thank you very much.
Nice to hear your experiences with the box.
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@Tenbagger2024 I really like it, I think it's a super great idea and gift, you can play with it yourself, it has all the Disney movies, fairy tales and other beautiful stories that you can buy. Every day when you go to sleep you hear a character. But I have to admit that I haven't looked at it and I don't know in which countries they are already represented. I would probably rather invest in a gaming company.
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Currently very popular with us. Probably 3 years old or so and not used for ages. I actually think they're great, but the company itself isn't an investment for me. Theoretically, you can listen to everything without them 💁
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I have three of them and around 100 figures, but some of them have already been bought second-hand and will end up on the second-hand market again afterwards. Very few people will use the hack box from the CCC, but they will have to open up once they reach a certain size.

What's more, our eldest is now 7 and can easily play stuff with Siri. If it is now improved with AI and also understands smaller children, then it will be fierce competition in the 5-6-year-old market.

So overall, in my opinion, it's not a safe model because it's not a good moat.
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None of my 5 children could do anything with it for more than 6 months...
But I know many parents who say that their children are very happy with it.
Mine always switched to streaming via Sonos very early on.
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We have two and around 20 figures. It's a great thing. But let's say I didn't want to spend a lot, then I would just buy the box and a creative toy that I could play with myself. And I would swap the figures with others or buy them second-hand. Conclusion: Great product, but I think it will be difficult to earn money.
I was skeptical at first... But now I'm a real fan! The Knowledge Tonies / Clever Tonies in particular are a big hit with those hungry for knowledge who can't read yet.
Nevertheless, not a long-term investment ... will soon be replaced by child-safe AI.
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My children 3 1/2 and 2 1/2 each have one. I was really shocked by the purchase price and how quickly it rose between the first purchase and the second purchase for my youngest. We don't have that many figures. They love the creative Tonies, you can play your own music or radio plays on them. They have songs from kindergarten and sometimes listen to them to fall asleep. When they pick a character, they always fight over the same one (Fireman Sam).
But I don't see a moat there because they probably make the most money with the figures. But I have friends who only have a creative Tonie and buy the radio plays somewhere (e.g. Ammazon) or illegally download them from YouTube and play them. In addition, there are already comparable cheaper products from other manufacturers.
I am also curious to see how long the Toniebox will really be actively used, at the moment it is also used to play music on the side. But it could also be used with other media.
I once held the shares because I was convinced of the expansion into the USA. I still am, but I've since sold the stock because, among other things, there's no moat and I don't have the imagination to believe that the stock could ever stand up.
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I think even big toy companies are struggling. Mattel had a long dry spell and the Barbie movie only provided a short-term boost.
Playmobil is also struggling.
And Märklin and Fisher Technik, which I grew up with, have gone bankrupt.
The legendary Kettcar no longer exists either.
That's why I'm a bit cautious with toy stocks.
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no use apple music and bluetooth box
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The share seems to be breaking out
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