
My new year's resolution is to start investing in traditional finance alongside crypto. I've decided to begin by purchasing a share of Italy's biggest financial institution, $ISP (+0,32 %) .

As I can see, it come with good dividends, and due to its dominant position, I'm somewhat confident in its future stability. I'm curious to see how this experiment will unfold.

Intesa Sanpaolo logo
Acheté à 2,792 €
2 Commentaires

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Honestly spocken.. I was surprised how well the MSCI Italy performed in 2023. Why did you not choose JP Morgen Chase?
The actual dividend might look great. But in my opinion it would be wiser to choose a stocks which could increase its dividend over the next 10 to 15 years 10% annually.. #CAGR
The chart looks horrible. I would only invest in stocks that increase in value over time.
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