
I'm considering buying British American Tobacco and W.P. Carey to boost my #dividends for October and November.


What are your thoughts on $BATS (-1,84 %) and $WPC (+1,13 %) ? Is now a good time to buy, or are there better options available?

13 Commentaires

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I would prefer companies like $JPM and $ABBV over those
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@Dividensenmann Great recommendations! Personally, I prefer to buy under the 1,000-session moving average.
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I own a expanding position in $WPC and still add shares when the price drops. I think they'll do well after 2024 and made a right decision last year for their portfolio although they communicated that decision badly. I try to have a growing dividend portfolio and think it's a good company for just that.
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@ColdzeroNL Yes, I agree. It’s priced well, and with the Fed's rate cuts already announced, it should benefit our position.
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I only invest in ethical companies 😀
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@Demas As a person who is trying to quit smoking, I understand you. 😂
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@Demas me too! No oil, weapons, tobacco or other addictive stuff like sugar (sodas)

It restricts your options but there are many great companies out there
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@trabajohombre Great approach! Any companies on your radar you’d recommend? 👀🚀
I own BATS and actually regret the investment, it is that the dividend is reliable, and payout ratio is sustainable that I've kept them so far.

But I miss clear strategy and plan
When looking for November Payers I've been buying $AKRBP and $VAR both oil stocks from Norway. Less history after carve outs from either $BP. or $ENI but both are aiming for a longer term sustainable growing quarterly dividend payment.

Also they have their downsides being in Norway and an added on risk of the exchange rate and relatively high dividend tax.
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The future of tobacco companies is a bit risky. Governments want to reduce smoking in the future so my guess is it will eventually go down. Maybe for the next 10 or 20 years it will not be that big of a deal but who knows.
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I bought it last year throughout the summer time and ytd. I'm up 27% beating the market just with a simple cigar company! One has to know how much the business intrinsic value is and compare it with the price, after that it is just stomach, simple strategy :)
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Ah! And I forgot to say, I haven't accounted the juicy dividend
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