Now he is levering himself into the abyss. Good luck
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@Madhatter5566 no, it is purely a tax aspect! 25% to 45% so a complete no brainer to only buy futures .... You can also buy futures with 1x so completely without risk
@Testo-Investor But that didn't sound as if you wanted to leverage with 1. Options and futures trading as speculation against hedging has done very few people any good in the long term. I hope you are not mistaken
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@Madhatter5566 of course not. I start with a lever of 2. It's all about the tax aspect!
@Testo-Investor At least for crypto.
How much of your portfolio are you leveraging?
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@Madhatter5566 unfortunately with far too little ... 10% around the turn ... I am 90% spot invested ...
@Testo-Investor So your maximum loss is 20%?
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@Madhatter5566 no idea what our conversation will be.... Are you even in the game??? Levers etc... SL, risk management etc? Doesn't sound like it, sorry.
@Testo-Investor With leverage and all that. No. Leveraging 10% of the portfolio is also beyond any risk management....
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@Madhatter5566 for me it's30% and I can't complain
@LKG Is it about risk management or the case that it always goes well?