$TNIE (-1,38 %) I have bought more in the last few days. There are now almost 600 in my depot. We have a Toniebox at home and are really enthusiastic about it. A gadget without a screen and the children can decide for themselves what they want to listen to. The cassette as the equivalent of my youth. Please tell us what you think of the company at the moment. My arguments for / against a purchase were as follows:
- Insider purchases
- 2024 (probably) positive FCF / profitable
- Further growth USA + new growth Tonies in Spanish language (makes further growth in Europe possible accordingly)
- Dollar exchange rate works for Tonies
- Supply chains have been expanded for all eventualities (USA)
- Brand already very well established / positioned (even in Disney children's films)
- P/E ratio for 2025 of 27 with growth >20% and significant increase in margins possible through figures
- low trading volume
- High marketing costs for opening up new markets
- Tonies already very expensive in Europe
- moat rather small
I would be happy to hear your opinion :) For me, this is a position that I would always pick up a bit at 6.5 EUR or less.
Greetings Micha