The FTSE is already 70/30, so why add the EM? (Correction: EM is only 10%)
•@Ridick The FTSE All-World does include EM, but only just under 10-12%. I would like to weight the emerging markets a little more heavily and this gives me around 70% (developed markets) to 30% (EM). I therefore supplement the FTSE All-World with a separate EM ETF.
@superheroman Why 30% EM and not 25% or 35%?
•@Epi 30% is simply my personal sweet spot. I am aware that there is no perfect figure and that 25% or 35% could be just as justifiable. Ultimately, it's a question of risk profile and personal conviction. I wanted to weight EM more heavily than in the All-World, but not too heavily, so I opted for 30%
@superheroman then I would have chosen msci right away, if you are also investing in EM anyway... FTSE is all about not having to rebalance.
•@Ridick For me, FTSE and MSCI are both good options. I like the fact that I remain flexible with the separate EM ETF: I can adjust the weighting at any time or even take it out completely if I want to. I don't see rebalancing as a major additional expense. In the end, it's simply a question of personal preference and my risk profile.
•@superheroman That's exactly how I see and do it ✌🏻 but for me it's $IWDA and $AE5A 😎