
So, the reimbursement for professional teeth cleaning from the dental supplement has arrived. Together with the reimbursement from the health insurance company, I've got a few thousand euros ready to invest again. Monday will be either $GLAD or $HTGC (+1,51 %) will be bought, both have fallen slightly today.

There will be a second tranche in April or in the mail with an expected reimbursement for electricity.

The whole thing is possible because the initial expenditure for the prophylaxis is already included in the budget and the amount is allocated to the fixed cost account over the month. Thanks to the multi-account model.

12 Commentaires

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Huh? You paid for a dental cleaning, then got it reimbursed by your supplementary insurance (for which you pay more premiums per year than the cost of the dental cleaning) and therefore have money to invest?

Make sure you don't invest your €100 all at once! 💯 😅
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@CryptoPfand Depending on your age, there are also insurance policies that cost less than they reimburse. And there are also gkvs that reimburse the costs of dental supplements.
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@CryptoPfand It's right there. I have budgeted the costs for prophylaxis in the calculation of my fixed costs. This money goes into an extra account and we pay the bill. 2 weeks later the reimbursement arrives. I don't take this reimbursement into account in my budget planning. For me, this is "extra money" that can then be invested.
The same applies to refunds from electricity, ancillary costs... these are not 100% certain, so I don't budget for them in my advance planning. I only budget my net salary.
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@Dr27589 of course, when you're 12 or 13 and have no teeth 😜

But it's true that there are also SHI providers that reimburse this.
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@frugalfreisein If it makes sense for you, so be it - I just assumed that your insurance costs more than you get reimbursed, and then to book that as a "profit" sounded strange - but the way you "budget" it is of course understandable
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@CryptoPfand No, even up to 40, and logically only if you still have teeth. You can't first cause a total loss and then insure yourself - that's not how the game works, of course.
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@Dr27589 Too bad I've just turned 40. Which insurance would that be specifically?
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@CryptoPfand Gothaer MediZ Smile 75, for example, with a 4% discount for annual payments
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@Dr27589 I am currently with Huk24 with the 90% tariff
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@Dr27589 ok, so 100€ saved if you only use the teeth cleaning and never have a gap between your teeth! Sounds logical. 😜
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@frugalfreisein Not a bad tariff, but not exactly great in the area of dental preservation due to the limit on sums.
Hm, buy a proper ultrasonic toothbrush, e.g. Emmi-Dent, and save yourself the tooth cleaning. Provided, of course, that you use it correctly. The whole dental practice now swears by it...
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