
Hello and have a nice evening,

I would like to ask you for a portfolio evaluation and suggestions for improvement 👀

Or roast me and tell me just one ETF...🙂‍↔️


Long-term wealth accumulation

(Reach the 100k for now - I'm only at 2k but that will bestimmt🤝🏼)

About me:

20Y savings sum 150-200€ month

Trained as a real estate agent (therefore Realty haha)

Investing since the start of training 1.09.23

I wanted to go through my positions individually and tell you why I bought the position and what I think about it at the moment:

💚 - Stay in

( or convince me otherwise)

💛- Divided


An Etf solution - core of the portfolio should make up ~ 40-50% of the portfolio in the long term

MSCI India - $QDV5 (-1,08 %) 💚

deliberate doubling with share in ACWI - see great potential and economic growth here

Deka Fond - 💚

I know, no savings bank funds, but these are my VWL and they are worthwhile for me - very tech-heavy and currently yielding good returns

Realty - $O (+1,39 %) 💚

Solid monthly payer with great upside potential if interest rates fall

BAT - 💛 $BATS (+0,17 %)

Great upside potential - comeback if new tobacco-free products conquer the market

+ High dividend

DHL - 💚 $DHL (-0,8 %)

Burggraben - DE - Dividend - Industry pick

Blackrock 💚- $BLK

Burggraben - Great market power + growth + dividend(growth)

United Health 💚 - $UNH (+1,38 %)

Moat + dividend growth + stability + growth

Pfizer 💛 - $PFIZER

Big pharma company + comeback potential + dividend

(I will probably sell - possibly buy diabetes pharma company $LLY (-5,26 %)
$NOVO B (-1,34 %)

Monster 💚 - $MNST (-0,08 %)

Growth rocket 🚀 + brand power + no debt

Nextera 💚 - $NEE (+3,4 %)

Monopoly position + benefits from falling interest rates + divi(-growth) + utility pick

Volkswagen 💛 - $VOW (+0,81 %)

Brand power/portfolio - DE - Dividend - Comeback

ASML 💚💚 - - $ASML (+1,4 %)

NL/EU - moat - growth rocket - great future potential

P&G💚 $PG (+0,21 %)

Blue chip - Stability - Brand power/portfolio

My watchlist:

$MC (-2,24 %)
$DE (+1,76 %)
$V (+0,16 %)
$META (-1,17 %) + Pharma

I have now learned that dividends do not play a major role at my age (more focus on growth in the future), but they all motivate me at times💪.

Unfortunately, I have few tech companies, which has left me with a lot of returns...Tech/IT is still the largest sector in my portfolio with just under 20%🤡

Initially paid a lot of learning money through MPT and too many positions - forgive me 🙈

I'm looking forward to your roast and hope for more than 1ETF solution ;)

2 129,17 €
5,19 %
9 Commentaires

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Hi, I think your approach is very cool.
But make sure that the etf forms a real core. I am also better and better at forcing.

You invest in Pfizer and say "strong potential", Realty Income and say "great potential with interest rate cuts" etc..
I also bought the same stocks for similar reasons. Your reasoning is of course very short.
I also have it on my radar if Pfizer has no new medias in patent.

Realty - keep on screen if interest rates are not lowered. Realty will have to take on new debt in 2026 - everyone is currently speculating on falling interest rates, not just you. As I said, I have the same investment case, but keep an eye on the other side!

BAT - big upside potential if they make other products.
I generally have something against that. BAT is forced to completely change their business model in general. People stop smoking because it's too expensive. The profiteer is the German state and not BAT. They can't change their products.

Of course they can invent other products and try to sell them. And they do. Who buys them? I hardly know any 😅

I'll give you a counter-example:
McDonalds is regulated year after year to sell burgers. The state also levies considerable taxes on the product. So McDonalds will have to sell something else in future. Sandwiches, salads, whatever. Would you buy the stock in this situation? Not me.
Maybe you only bought it because of the dividend.

BMW is no longer allowed to sell combustion engines.
Then BMW, with its companies, plants and personnel, which are all designed for combustion engines and have the know-how, will no longer earn any money with the product. Of course you can say "then they'll build electric cars and have potential. Or drones. Or some other new product"...

But bmw is currently not designed for that... 😂
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@Rendite_Fux In short: don't list stocks and give great reasons for buying them. Everyone knows them. Everyone knows that ASML is growing. That's why they're so expensive. Everyone knows that Procter and gamble has a large diversified portfolio. That's why you pay the price.

It sounds like you're just talking yourself into every stock - that's how I sounded when I started 3 years ago 🙂 That's why I'm writing you the novel.
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@Rendite_Fux Thank you very much for the detailed answer. Yes, the reasons are indeed a bit short, I just wanted to share my portfolio and then just started writing😂

But I will take your words to heart and take a closer look at Pfizer/Realty/BAT in particular👀
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@Rendite_Fux BMW will only build electric cars in Munich from 2027.
@Rendite_Fux That's nonsense about bmw. Or have you missed the fact that they have been building electric cars for years and are therefore now less reliant on drones?
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When do you want to reach 100k? Good monthly savings for the training. How much will you save after your education?
Rationally, the best option would be to invest everything in the ACWI if you are investing for the long term.
Just because you are training to be a real estate agent O or do you have other reasons to focus on high dividend yields at such a young age. I would go for growth and more risk at your age if you want to invest in individual stocks.
Otherwise, as mentioned at the beginning, simply invest in the ACWI.
Btw Nextera finances its dividend growth from debt, so not so sustainable.
Great portfolio and nice that you have an idea / goal / vision for each value.

For health: something like $JNJ or $BMY a consideration?

I think the world ETF or in combination with India as a core is a solid basis. That's why you can add stocks that you like, that you see potential in and that you can "identify" with. A little "joy of investing" is also allowed 👌

About your capital-forming benefits (DE000DK0ECU8):

3.75 % front-end load
1.53 % administration costs p.a.
(0.005% performance fee)

I have my VWL with a roboadviser, but I can't get a state subsidy for it (=> but I'm way over it anyway and there's no prospect of that changing at some point).
You can have a look at something like OskarVL, Ginmon, finvesto and I think Consorsbank/Comerzbank also offer something.

If others are reading this and investing capital formation benefits, I would also be interested to know which platform/provider you use.
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With the great and sufficient savings rate, no experiments and 70-80% in a world ETF and then another 20-30% in a sector ETF (IT or semiconductor) or the NASDAQ 100 ETF - then the performance will also work 💸
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