@Cash-Flow-Cow I have to say, with my democratic streak, I would only vote AFD. There is currently no alternative in GERMANY. People who have something against it should think democratically and simply vote for what they think for themselves. Discussions are more than okay, but ranting against the MAJORITY like this is pretty stupid. You can just tell who wants to justify their GEZ contributions here. Fortunately, I no longer live permanently in Germany. 🇩🇪 👋🏼🤐
@Cash-Flow-Cow is difficult as a person who has only lived in the country for 6 years. But there we see the superficial discriminatory streak of this left-wing radical society. But thanks for the confirmation. Over and out. 🦄
@HyFive Was that supposed to be satire? Anyone who cares about democracy can never vote for the AFD or has never studied German history and how the Nazis came to power. With the AFD, it's goodbye democracy! I also find it difficult to vote for the old parties at the moment, but then you just switch to a smaller, more electable party. Never ever AFD - and for me as a woman anyway.
@Kamikazefrau very superficial opinion, but I understand, but the story is not a looping track. I'm only interested in the business side of things in GER. So vote for what you want. I'll stick with the AFD and you can take refuge in history and continue to believe in things. It's not democratic and free of opinion for nothing. 🥴