
Hi, I sold my $DWS (+0,64 %) share after 20:00 on June 7, did I do something really stupid and won't get my dividend, or can I breathe a sigh of relief and it will still come today?

13 Commentaires

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June 7 was already the ex date, i.e. the divi had already been deducted from the price, i.e. you will still receive it.
The date (time) of your sale has no influence - whether 20:00 or 16:00 - it doesn't matter. Ex day is ex day
But be patient, today is payday...
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@TomTurboInvest thanks, was just confused when I refreshed my Getquin account and didn't see any more of the dividend
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@TomTurboInvest How long will it take until the money is in the account? Nothing has arrived yet
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@Mutti not for me either, but may be due to Trade Republic, TR has big problems right now, especially since they have no customer support
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@Mutti May I ask you if you still have DWS and if not, is it in Getquin how much dividend you received or is DWS not there at all?
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@Mutti It always depends on the broker, but it can take a few working days.
However, I have never experienced that the dividend has not arrived.
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No, you get it.
The share must be in the securities account before the ex date.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur thanks for the encouragement, hope you're right, when can I expect it today?
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@TheBigDip can take up to 10 working days from today😅.
Your broker must first receive the dividend and then distribute it to the shareholders
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Never had to wait that long at Trade Republic, but let's see, I'll write to customer support later
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@TheBigDip As I said, up to 10 working days. May still arrive today, or not until Friday.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to say. You will get the same answer from customer service.
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Oh, oh... I'm sure the people at DWS won't think it's funny if you don't love them anymore. Hopefully they won't be completely pissed off, because then there won't be any dividends
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@AlterMann Can they be helped?
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