
Further investment in ETFs

Would like to put some of the cash into ETFs.

I invest in the S&P500, MSCI World and MSCI EMU (currently suspended).

Now I wanted to add the Nasdaq100 as an individual investment and savings plan.

$XNAS (-0,31 %) or $CSNDX (-0,28 %) are available.

Which one would you favor? Or should I continue to $CSPX (-0,31 %) fill up (S&P500)?

4 Commentaires

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Because of the TER, if I were starting out, I would take $XNAS. But I don't think it really matters in the end
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When it comes to 100% US ETFs, professionals like to use swaps instead of physical replication ✌️😁

@Stullen-Portfolio you mean something like $EQQX
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