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Acheté x36 à 0,84 €
30,22 €
12 Commentaires

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Dragonlord, larger sum, then you don't have to post so much😂
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@Therapeut why are you so bitter? is your life really so bad that you need something like that? if so, then go ahead... the main thing is that you feel a bit better/worthier :) better with me than with someone else you can hit with something like that...
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@Drachen bitter? what's wrong with you😂 I'm serious, give me a real buzz...
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@Therapeut i don't think you will see such sums from me here... for that i would have to connect my main account here... and getquin doesn't have to have all the data about me:) this is more, fun/boredom...
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@Drachen yes, but then don't split 600 euros into 10 purchases, make one real purchase
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@Therapeut i can do what i want with my money, can't i? and if i buy 600 shares for €1 each, it's totally up to me?!
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@Drachen Don't cry so much😂 it makes no economic sense. You can see that from your return on investment
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@Therapeut my returns are great, but i'm glad you're spending your precious lifetime on me
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@Drachen you horst sacrifice the same time😂 ,,auf mich vergoldest"/ ,,meine rendite sind top" after your German lessons you can take a look at economics
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Think about your order fee for such small sums, it totally drags down the return. Or do you have a flat order?
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