
1x Sale & 1 Advance Notice: Financial Screening Fails

$MMM (-1 %) unfortunately did not become Sharia-compliant again, which is why the share has now been sold after the waiting period.

In addition, the $NUE (+1,27 %) share has also developed too non-compliant. There is now still the waiting period of one quarter to wait, although I do not expect a change. Limit sell order has been created.

3M logo
a vendu x2 à 85,00 €
170,00 €
33,85 %
64 Commentaires

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Halal invest..luckily you can block here....
@Rick Funny that this offends you so much that you have to write an unnecessary comment beforehand instead of just doing it or ignoring it 😂 Did he attack you with it or what? 😂
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@39am it does not offend me. I would also have blocked someone who had Christian Invest as an account name. Believe in what you want but please do not annoy others with it.
@Rick Yes, that's right. Don't annoy others with your drivel. There are enough people interested in exactly that, if it doesn't concern you, then ignore it/block him without commenting instead of adding your two cents. What value did the comment add to you now?
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@39am I comment where I want who are you the religious police? Go play.
@Rick Strong, that's exactly what I expected. Always the same with people like you. 😂 Especially "religious police" in this context testifies to 3,141 brain cells. 👋🏼
@Rick go to sleep or take care of your ugly portfolio instead of making such stupid comments
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@Rick 🤡
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Why is everyone so negative here? Basically, it's the same as excluding certain topics (tobacco / armaments). How many decide for any socially responsible ETFs or sustainability ETFs. For some other or more comprehensive criteria are important and fall back on Halal shares/ETFs. That doesn't make any difference. Help each other and be a bit more thankful that everyone can get information about their investments here. Thank you @halal_investieren @
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Brother, I also invest halal. you can see from the comments again how islamophobic many people are. investing shariah compliant is nothing more than following ESG criteria. you exclude certain companies based on personal beliefs. in Islam a company may not have a harames/forbidden business model. Forbidden in the Islamic sense are, for example, gambling, armaments, alcohol, non-halal food, interest. The implicit consequence of this kind of investing is that you look more deeply into the business model and the numbers, which in turn results in making more qualified decisions and developing a good understanding of what you own. So chill out everyone.
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@Justafa Hey, aside from the 2 obvious idiots here in the comments, don't you find that the majority here are quite accepting? So you find the amount of attacks here on this topic to be more frequent than against other topics aside from religion?
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What's not Sharia-compliant about 3M?
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@halal_investieren Would still appreciate a response.
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@income_magician_28 In principle, in addition to excluded business models (armaments, tobacco, drugs & Co.), there is also a ban on interest rates. The latter is unavoidable on the stock market nowadays. There one helps oneself at least with it to set up a tolerance limit for these, in order to still take the best. Interest income is diverted from the some investment by donations. In the case of 3M, it is an excessive amount of interest-bearing debt.
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@halal_investieren I understand the excluded business models. nor do I fully understand it. You have debts and pay too much interest?
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@income_magician_28 Nothing absolute, but related to the market cap. It's simply a matter of the proportion of borrowed capital, regardless of how much interest is paid on it. Taking and giving interest is not actually permitted per se. There is only a tolerance here, taking into account the current framework conditions. If you are interested in the topic in more detail, here is something more detailed: https://halal-investieren.de/grund-der-30-grenze-im-financial-screening/
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@halal_investieren thank you. Can you give me the numbers where this was now the case at 3M?
Rick don't be ridiculous and invest your two pennies. Don't annoy the people who have their fun here. How hateful do you have to be to defend your point of view so stupidly. Thank goodness you don't represent society.
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Is halal actually an out- or underperformance factor? Are there any quantitative studies on this?
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@Epi There is but nen ETF to it can look like the performance is. Just do not know how the name but have once seen one had.
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@cashmitkopf Good idea! https://extraetf.com/de/etf-comparison?etf=IE00B27YCN58,IE00B4L5Y983 In the long run, halal seems to be rather detrimental to returns, about -1.5% pa.
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@Epi If you follow the theory "in the long run the market always wins", then the ETF cannot outperform. Here, you do without many sectors - banks, everything that has to do with defense companies, thereby also such things as Airbus, Boeing etc. How you come to -1.5% but I do not understand 😅 The development of MSCI World Islamic is yes under the link the same as the conventional MSCI World - only more blunted. 10J: 140 instead of 170% MAX also similar 😅
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@Epi Sorry I correct, have read too fast there. harmful to the "return": That's right 😅 Kind of "read" something like "money is burned" 😁 The return is less, I agree with you 😁
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It is certainly difficult to invest Halal in the stock market - but I would probably prefer the MSCI World Islamic.
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@Bullnbear there are stocks in the world islamic etf e.g. porsche which are not compliant according to zoya... just one example of which there are many! that's why i didn't buy the world islamic etf
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@Memo0606 difficult topic, otherwise Barbershop or Shsihabar
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was ? 😅😂
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What may satire
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Buy high sell low 🔥
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Good for them.
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why is 3m not sharia compliant? wtf?
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Hey @halal_investieren are you still active? Because I have a question.
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@halal_investieren omg I'd rather stick to the basic law, life is too short for mumbo jumbo
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde You don't have to stick to it 😁 Those who want to do it this way, just do it 😉
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@halal_investieren What do you think is higher than the Basic Law or Sharia?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde It's not as if I don't adhere to the Basic Law. There is nothing contradictory in the first place 😉 And as described there, there is no such thing as a sharia. It is much more a method of norm development. Unfortunately, the term is at least in the German-speaking world directly negative, because certain things are associated with it. Just because someone somewhere thinks that is "the Sharia", it does not mean that it is so. 😊
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@halal_investieren Are the Taliban practicing Sharia law or are they infidels exploiting religion?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde Unfortunately, I do not know the subject well enough to be able to judge. But oppressing people is definitely not part of "the" Sharia. Just as there are Christians who misinterpret things and do harm, there are unfortunately also Muslims who do so. Just because there are speeders on the road who endanger people, I don't give up my car. There are just some think they would be on the racetrack, but are usually much less than you think. 2 billion Muslims in the world, who adhere to such rules more or less. No matter if you call it Sharia or not. Fortunately, there are only a minimal fraction who misunderstand. M.E. therefore also makes no sense directly to put every Muslim under general suspicion. 😊
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@halal_investieren why do not you know? Finally, the Taliban are constantly in the conversation, they use Islam or not? I do not find your answer very serious, Afghanistan in the 60s was similar to Germany (women in miniskirts, etc.) today the Taliban rule and Islam prevails, would you like that in Germany?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde Shut up! What is it with you? If you do not like it then ignore him. I emfinde helal invest also as nonsense but does he harm someone with it? no? In addition, your comparison and the connection with the Taliban and the invested already very limp. Let live as long as you do not hurt anyone.
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@cashmitkopf First of all, I may ask when and what I want, you have nothing to dictate to me. Secondly, I recommend you to consider your statement. Just stay out of it.
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@Piotr I don't know which third party would benefit from adhering to such rules. Basic things like "no investment in the arms industry, alcohol, tobacco, etc." are also morally justifiable. In addition, there are only restrictions due to the interest ban for Muslims. If someone wants to adhere to it, then he does it. If not then not. A compulsion there is not so. 😊
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@Piotr In all honesty, I think Islamic investing is even more logical than ESG, because the rules are relatively clear and greenwashing doesn't work. If more than X percent is earned in a certain area, it's not compliant. Any media campaigns to improve the image are irrelevant.
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@Piotr It is a way of investing. Others invest according to the way of the logo. I only wrote that I personally find investing according to Islamic principles more comprehensible and in the end partly even more logical when I compare it with ESG, where it is also a lot about bringing morals into play. Is there theoretically also a Christian investing 😉.
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@Staatsmann that's where you pay church tax on your investment income 🤣 ? Moral investing based on ESG criteria - that's like preventing by pulling out.
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@KleinviehmachtMist We don't need to discuss the sense and nonsense or the performance of ESG. But if someone wants to invest this way: Fire away! It's none of my business what others do with their money or what their strategy is. Some put 100% of their capital in Bitcoin or Tesla. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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