
Closed my first commodity trade. Possible new entry planned at around 110. If it doesn't work out then I'm out of luck. Holding period was just under 2 weeks

WisdomTree Cocoa 2x Daily Leveraged logo
a vendu x30 à 148,68 €
4 460,40 €
68,02 %
9 Commentaires

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Stark also has it on the screen from time to time.☂️
Especially with all this Dubai nonsense and everything, things are looking pretty bleak in that direction...
Good return for 2 weeks 🤜🤛

Maybe I'll go in when the price drops a bit so we'll see. 😃
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@DADlikesCRYPTO Yesterday it fell well. I think it will do so again on Monday as some people will probably want to cash in on their contracts this year. I'll see if I can get back in on Thursday
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@Hotte1909 Yes, I've already seen it and I'm always checking it out 😄
Please let me know if anything changes in this regard.
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@DADlikesCRYPTO Looks exciting again now 😀
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@Max095 Currently had a lot on my mind and not at all on the screen would be worth a little consideration. 😁
Would just have to see why the price is plummeting at the moment.
Thank you
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Did you simply buy and sell? Or how do you assess the price of commodities?
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@Aktienmasseur The last few cocoa harvests were pretty modest, not to say terrible. This is of course reflected in the price trend. I've been watching the price of cocoa for the whole year and it kept moving away from me. At some point I simply got in. I don't yet know whether the harvest will be better next year. It could still rise until May, as the cocoa harvest starts in May. But it's too speculative for me at the moment, which is why I'm out for now, or it could well happen that demand collapses if it continues to rise. Cocoa is not essential to life, so it is quite possible that the price will fall at some point because nobody is buying any more.
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@Hotte1909 Do you often do this with commodities or similar, which you then buy on a leverage basis? So that you don't have to get warrants or anything like that?

Because coffee, like cocoa, is not exactly looking rosy at the moment. I stocked up on about 5 kg of coffee myself before everything goes up.
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@BockaufDividenden not really. Watching the market yes. That was my first commodity trade, or at some point I had an ETF for agricultural products, but that was more for wheat etc.. But it didn't do any good. Cocoa and coffee are pretty much the same. So the situation 😀
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