all the best - given US and information technology focussed, I think it may be fair to compare your performance with S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 instead of MSCI world
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@jaykaymunich I understand your reasoning, altough I would object here because of the following reasons:

I'm currently at a US share of ~72%, while the MSCI World is currently at ~68% an of course S&P500 and NASDAQ 100 are more or less 100% US. So my share is much closer to the MSCI World overall.

Regarding the NASDAQ comparison. Yes, that would defintely fit my high technology focus, altough I also own a lot of pharma and consumer staples, so I guess I will never beat the NASDAQ.

Probably the best benchmark would be a 50/50 split into MSCI World & NASDAQ, but to make it easy I just use the MSCI World.