Hi dear community,
maybe a good text for all rank beginners from a not so rank beginner ;)
Briefly something about me and my stock market career so far: I started investing at the age of 18. Why? Because I wanted to do it better than my parents who never really wanted to deal with this topic and whose money is getting less every day but the main thing is that it is safe in the bank. Don't get me wrong I respect that fully but I lack the common sense. So much for now.
Again back to the 18 year old me. That 18 year old me didn't have a clue about anything and started doing things way too early that he had no clue about. So beginner mistakes were made, but don't get me wrong, I don't even regret them. TIP #1 for any beginner at this point. Books, Youtube, articles etc. very important!!! I did not do that at first, only where the mistakes have already happened I started to deal more intensively with the stock market world. Then it is unfortunately too late. Inform yourself about everything you can get your hands on, starting with the choice of broker, strategy choice and much more.
So far so good. This 18 year old me is now 20 and a bit wiser. By far not so in the matter as many here on the app where I only amazed and quietly read along posts. Thanks to all Getquin sizes at this point, you have also helped me a lot as I was still at the very beginning. Although sometimes a bit rough but what do you expect from a donkey @DonkeyInvestor ;)
The 20 year old me now works full time in a bar and earns a pretty decent salary and of course is saved from it.
Over time, my strategy has changed as far as saving is concerned. Some who have followed my portfolio a bit may know that. My rookie mistakes e.g. $VLA (-0,8 %) or other crap were thrown out and replaced by a quite decent strategy. Herewith TIP NR 2: Have a strategy and that from the beginning. I didn't have one and that's the only thing I regret, because with a strategy one or the other beginner's mistake wouldn't have happened to me. My strategy very briefly to the explanation is composed of two big terms: Tech and Health. Growth and NO dividend stocks yet
So now my portfolio has changed but through the newly acquired knowledge also the horizon for other investments. This is how my call money account came into being. One can hold now from daily money/temporal deposit accounts which one wants however for me is simpler money on a separate account to save than on my Giro account and this daily money = my nest egg. So it goes perhaps the one or other young person also. TIP NO. 3: Expand your horizons and find out what could happen next to your deposit when you deal with it.
What inspired me to write this text: I have observed myself a bit over 2 years of stock market. I have to say at the beginning everything was insanely cool and exciting. Hourly oh what minutely was looked into the depot. Exactly that has changed and I noticed it a few days ago. I caught myself that I have simply not looked for days in my depot, which would have been unthinkable a year ago.
A point with which I have struggled almost the entire first stock market year: The moment I started investing was horrible STOP no it was perfect! This was one of the crucial points in my spiritual development in the stock market. To realize that in the long run it was the perfect time to start investing in the stock market. TIP NO. 4: Chill ;) No quite honestly remains calm. I know you want to eat up the portfolio at the beginning because it is so exciting but if you have a wide investment horizon (which I would recommend to everyone at our age) then it doesn't matter when you get in. The main thing is to get in!
Another big point for me as a beginner was or is unfortunately still the timing when selling and buying. @DonkeyInvestor (to mention you again) just recently linked me a super post on timing from selling stocks. Short and sweet: if it no longer fits your strategy out with it.
The same only a little differently applies to buying and there I still have to admonish myself a little. Don't get me wrong with a little research and a little chart analysis you can of course find a good entry point and no one will buy at an ATH but if you are convinced of the company and think it is fairly priced at the moment then buy the salmon. TIP NO. 5: Time in the market beats timing the market and sell if it does not fit the strategy.
Finally, I hold the edge again do not worry:
It is important to me that as many people, at my age, as possible do something for their retirement and not be afraid of it. Which strategy they use is up to them. I want to leave my impressions as a beginner to save perhaps one or the other from a beginner's mistake that I have committed.
If you have made it this far I am overjoyed that you have read everything. This is now my first big contribution, very time-consuming😅 The text is now not packed with smart stuff where you can learn something like zb. @TradingMelone (probs go out by the way I'm still trying to understand at least something) but it should also be intentionally so simple to remain authentic.
Hope someone can take something with them
Greetings from Wien🫶🏼