11 Commentaires

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What's going on? 1% down. Is this the end of the world?
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@ScorpionfromBW no doomsday only the ETF is up 26% in one year and suddenly -6% in one month
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@Fabianfeuer It is also an emerging markets or Asia ETF. And you should know that they are very volatile, even on a daily basis.
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@Fabianfeuer Well, it's just an ETF on an entire economy. Either something has changed in the economic outlook or it is simply a healthy correction after a 26% rise.
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India highly rated, that's what's going on :)
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I read somewhere that the Indian market has been downgraded by the major banks.
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Goldman Sachs recently lowered its Indian GDP growth forecasts for 2024 from 6.2% to 5.7% and for 2025 from 6.8% to 6.4%. This adjustment reflects the ongoing inflation and possible interest rate hikes by the Reserve Bank of India, which could slow economic growth. Global uncertainties, structural challenges such as high unemployment and geopolitical risks are also weighing on the Indian economy. Goldman Sachs is therefore cautious about India's medium-term growth prospects.
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If Habeck and bearbock are not currently there, that can't mean anything good. The economy is even collapsing in India😀
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It's my best ETF by far for years!
What's going on?
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Weren't Scholz and Habeck just in India?
Things can only go downhill now 🙈
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The last sales were always bought again. Very little cause for concern.
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