

$MC (+0,87 %) Hello community. I would like to get your opinion. Unfortunately I bought LVCM very high, buy in at 723 €. Do you believe in a come back or would you rather sell at a loss at € 680 - € 695.

26 Commentaires

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Absolutely hold!
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LVMH likes your post. Since the post, up 9%. Maybe another 9% once you sell? Let's find out? Maybe LVMH will reach your buy in again today
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All right, thank you. Stay in the depot and I'll pull through
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@Superrichy will soon reach 1000+, perhaps even 1200 by the end of 2025.
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@Alexander_Bitcoin Thanks for the info!
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@Alexander_Bitcoin It's crazy what you're letting off here...
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@Johann_van_der_Smut why? These are my assessments...
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@Alexander_Bitcoin then please add that. There are enough youngsters and people with little experience here who are influenced by such statements and consider it more or less "safe"
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@Johann_van_der_Smut okay i'll do it 👍🏽
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Comeback is just starting and regardless of that I would hold because it is more of a buy than a sell right now
I have just liquidated my disproportionately large position and taken a substantial profit. But I will re-enter with smaller positions.
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723 € is not very high (that's also my buy in) 😂😂 it was already at almost 1000€, keep your feet still
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Hi my buy in is at 808€ and I let it run
Sell and invest in the garden, spring is coming soon
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Definitely hold 💥 is a share for life in my eyes. Just look at the closure of LVMH.
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have always said not to buy. But now there are signs of a turnaround and you can get in or hope for higher prices
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@jh90 Is there a course where you would become weak?
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@Superrichy Do you mean buy or sell?
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I wouldn't call your entry "very high" either. For me, the question is rather with what basic idea or what investment horizon you bought the share if you are already thinking of selling now.

You can sleep more soundly if you have a clear strategy behind your purchases and don't think about selling when the share is down single digits. 😊
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Don't think your buy in is high. I would definitely continue to hold it!
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Did I miss something? 😅 It feels like all luxury brands are up significantly today
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Realize loss... Keyword: Opportunity costs
I bought my position at a lower price, but I will definitely hold on. However, I am generally anti-cyclical. For some time, the luxury sector had almost nothing but negative news to avoid - pessimistic sentiment and I got in. Today you can see the impact a little positive news can have. It remains to be seen whether things will brighten up in the coming months or years, but if you are patient it is a good opportunity for outperformance
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614.84 € was my entry, today will probably be quite nice .:)

I was already annoyed that I had missed € 680 for the UK and was thinking about setting a limit sale at € 660.

Instead I got a TSL at 5%, which was probably the better decision...
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Hold! I hope they come back slowly this year, small savings plan is also running
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