
The #bierchallange completely because it is simply delicious.


Besides, it's vacation time again. Arrived in paradise after an incredible 45-minute drive. At Lake Constance 🤣


Lots of water. Clean water. Fittingly, my vacation stock purchase.

I'm simply doing as Blackrock does and adding to my position.

Severn Trent logo
Acheté x50 à 29,80 €
1 490,00 €
20 Commentaires

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Is that you on the sphere?
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@DonkeyInvestor Search for the best investment with a dowsing rod🤣
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@GoDividend would recommend you change the rod. So far it has only led you to garbage like $UKW
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@DonkeyInvestor 5.67% Yoc with minimal price loss (currently 0.1%). Dividend again at the end of the month-> it's not that bad
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@GoDividend That may be, but have you heard of this Bitcoin?
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@DonkeyInvestor Fact. There was something. You don't hear that often. It's still an insider tip, I think
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@GoDividend we are damn early
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@DonkeyInvestor I'm out of FM, with plus minus 0 and a bit of dividend. Have chosen $TA instead. I like it better, despite the tax and less div. To each his own, silk for everyone!
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate sounds like a homophobic insult, the company 😳
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Happy vacations to you and your family ☺️👍
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@Simpson Short trip around the corner... good for the soul
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Solid Div%. Any more insights? Or are you really just buying in when Blackrock does? 😂
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@PicturePerfect and better i buy when Blackrock buys before i buy $DRO when the Community buy this 😜
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@GoDividend hahahaha 😁😇😘
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in Meersburg? :)
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@trashtalker98 yes. A vacation around the corner is a recommendation after all. We simply live in a beautiful corner
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@GoDividend Which district are you from? It's also about 45 minutes to Meersburg from me :D
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@trashtalker98 I am not allowed to answer this question. The consequences would be terrible 🕵️🤣
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