Will they rise for a few more days, as you often see with a takeover, or will they come back sooner because of the delisting?
What does the swarm intelligence think about this ;) ?
What does the swarm intelligence think about this ;) ?
@MP333 It will now remain at exactly the same level until delisting
@Mabenst will I receive the EUR 22 per share upon delisting and are these then automatically sold? Or can I only sell the shares in the new year (because of the tax-free amount, which would otherwise be exceeded this year)?
That depends on what CGM intends to do. In principle, it is also possible to delist without (having to) sell shares - but then they are just lying around, not traded on the stock exchange, but you keep your parts of the company. Or the share price rises again due to a higher takeover bid, for example, and you sell before delisting. But there could also be a squeeze-out, so that the small shareholders have to sell, but then receive some kind of compensation... But: if you have made your profit and the current share price is okay for you, you can hold on until the beginning of January - nothing will happen until then :)
•@Mabenst Thank you