

I invest since about November 2022 and try to build up my portfolio little by little. My strategy so far consists of buy & hold and my goal is to eventually cover my monthly fixed costs to be able to put my salary (apprentice) fully on leisure and other investments.

I am 20 years old and my salary is still somewhat limited due to my education, I am currently saving monthly these two etf savings plans

$IWDA (-1,36 %)
$EXI2 (-1,27 %)
In addition, I buy now and then a few individual shares to expand my dividend portfolio.

I would be very happy about feedback, but of course I am also open to criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Mfg Felix

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26 Commentaires

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Don't worry, the first million is always the hardest. In 6 months, you'll have an easier time.
@KleinviehmachtMist may I still know your opinion about my deposit ?
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@Felix_wgl well bought. But until you can cover your monthly expenses from the dividends, you will probably not get a trainee salary for a long time.
@KleinviehmachtMist thank you. Right, of course, then more can be invested each month.
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Your goal (cover fixed costs) and the limited amount you invest per month (without knowing exactly, I conclude from your statements), do not quite fit together. As Sparfuchs has already said, you won't be an apprentice for a long time. Set yourself there aufjedenfall another goal and a strategy as you get there. If you can also cover your fixed costs of your dividends in e.g. 10 years of it, then you reinvest the money no longer and profit from the 11th year no longer from compound interest effect. Which can be enormous for you, because you are only 20. About your portfolio: I would think about the Titan ETF. With the individual stocks and the World you have the values represented 3 times in your portfolio. You can concentrate on the World for the time being. If you want to have the World as the largest position.
@Joris what strategy would you recommend me the with about 200 € a month to invest, but still to benefit from the compound interest effect. If I focus on the $IWDA I could profit there yes from the compound interest effect and next to further Div.Zahler besparen to come at some point to my goal if I have now understood correctly? (current dividends are reinvested).
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@Felix_wgl I'm not going to give you any specific advice on how to invest your money, but I do recommend that you read a lot about goals, strategy, wealth accumulation, pension gaps, dividends, stocks, the stock market, and much more. To read and first invest a lot in your financial education. After that you will see much clearer and know exactly what you want. Btw you also benefit from compound interest when you reinvest the dividends, so not only from theausierer.
@Joris sounds good. Did you acquire all this knowledge through books?
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Why does it have to be so many individual stocks? Why not a dividend ETF like $SPYD?
@General_T_Regnery would also be an idea vote
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The individual titles are strong 💲👌
@7Trader thank you :)
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Simple, clear strategy with good individual stocks. However, >40% of the individual stocks are not div. payers... it will then of course be difficult to cover the fixed costs with the div. 😉 In times of higher interest rates, the FAANG papers will also no longer achieve such growth as until 2021.
@GHF okey understand you're right. Then I should e.g. Amazon, Meta, Alphabet simply use as a growth stock because they are anyway no Div. payer, and then but aufjedenfall build up other positions which pay me dividends ?. You can also call me like a few good titles which I then put me times on the watch list, would be very happy. Thank you for your feedback
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@Felix_wgl at least if you want dividends 👍🏻. I would try to find dividend stocks that also show growth despite all this.  A high dividend won't do you any good  if your investment amount doesn't develop further. Have a look at the sectors utilities and waste management, as well as health, consumer & luxury.$MC, $WM, $JNJ, $ABBV, $SYK, $PEP, $DGE, $AMGN, $HD, $NESN, etc.
@GHF Thank you very much I will remember !👍🏻
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The Dow Jones Global Titans ETF somehow disturbs me a bit in your portfolio. You already have some of the shares as individual stocks in the portfolio. In addition, it overlaps so strongly with the World ETF. I would take out the Titans ETF and rather expand the health and pharmaceutical sector. Alternatively, China would also be an idea as an admixture (of course, you have to be aware of the risk). As an alternative ETF, take a look at $GGRP. Here, there is a strong focus on qualitative dividends with good growth.
@Mister_ultra would you sprinkle the health - pharma sector with individual DIV. Shares or rather also with an Etf ? About the alternative China I would have to think with times still. Thank you for the feedback
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@Felix_wgl Personally, I'm actually a bigger fan of individual stocks and have therefore put several in my portfolio. But if you want to cover a broad spectrum with one company, my tip would clearly be Johnson & Johnson. Together with Microsoft, it is the only company that even has a better credit rating than the US government, it is represented in both the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors, and it is one of the dividend kings (dividend increased over 50 years).
@Mister_ultra okey $JNJ would be in any case a consideration thanks
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Keep it simple! I have $ISAC and use it every month.
@Fred297 okey thanks but at the $ISAC I would have a few overlaps again eg at $IWDA. Bzw what do you find the $ISAC better ?
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@Felix_wgl the ACWI includes 10% emerging markets and is therefore even broader. The MSCI World only industrialized countries
Okey perfect thanks for your help, do you think it would make more sense then to dissolve the $IWDA and $EXI2 completely to save only the $ISAC?
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@Michael-official I would currently try to expand a few sectors to diversify my portfolio a bit, e.g. healthcare, communications, etc.$JNJ
$CMCSA Which dividend stocks would you recommend to me?
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