
The last purchase in 2024

Talk is silver, silence is gold, but I'll share it with you anyway.

iShares Physical Gold ETC logo
Acheté x12 à 48,82 €
585,79 €
14 Commentaires

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A recomendation, the eft of physical gold of Invesco is better than the ishare.
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@alex_cringeBoi They are not transparent with audits and are not 100% physically backed; they often use derivatives during periods of high volatility.
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went through the same thing today, would also switch to euwax 2, but that would only work with scalable :/
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@VincP3 I have already regrouped
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i think i'll keep the IGLN at TR and let it run over the tax-free allowance at some point. somehow i prefer it aesthetically in my TR depot
Stupid question, but is it tax-free after one year?
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@Lennart1709 I don't know, I read the post from @Epi regarding gold. @Epi can you answer the question?
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@Caynify This is complicated at $IGLN. The gold ETCs must be "transparent" and "physically deliverable" for the tax exemption to apply. And then probably not automatically, but only in the tax return. And then there has to be a tax official at the other end who knows the factsheet and the laws.

It's best to read the factsheet and the relevant tax legislation. This is different for every GoldETC.
You can find good information on this in the articles on GQ about the ticker. 👍
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@Epi just swapped it to EUWAX II , 4€ loss but no matter, thank you 😃
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@Caynify $EWG2 is simply the better choice. You'll soon recoup the €4 simply because of the lower costs.
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@Epi Thank you, also for your contribution. Happy New Year to an exciting new year :)
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@Caynify Here's to a successful 2025!
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Talk is silence, silver is gold.
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