Show us your losses!
New challenge
Inspired by @GoDividend who complained that only a few people post their losses here (with $DRO (+8,42 %) ), here is a new challenge. Post the transaction with which you realized the highest loss (percentage or absolute, your decision) and why. Mark the whole thing with the tag #lossporn and off you go.
In $YOU (+0,15 %) I invested in Scayle, the e-com platform belonging to About You, and diligently took the plunge. My first purchase was at over 20 euros. I then sold at 4.63 euros. You can even find a post from me on my profile about $YOU (+0,15 %)
Why did I sell? Because I got rid of all individual stocks as part of a change in strategy. And because Scayle is not as cool as I thought.
Fittingly, I nominate @GoDividend , @DividendenWaschbaer , @Der_Dividenden_Monteur and anyone else who's up for it