
Hello dear community,

I needed your advice. I've just returned from Southeast Asia on business and I see this market recovering more quickly from economic "dents". People here are simply faster, more agile and more daring than in good ol' Germany.

I recently started investing in ETFs - currently in the All-World from Vanguard $VWRL (-1,11 %)

but would now also like to invest a little in an ETF for emerging markets and in an S&P500 (total <20%). Yes, I know most of it is covered by the All-World...

I have the following in mind:

$IBC3 (-1,18 %)

$LSPU (-1,04 %)

Can you guys give me any other recommendations / ideas? I am looking for distributing ETFs that are eligible for the ING savings plan. Thank you very much.

7 Commentaires

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It is often said that the Asian market can be better represented with actively managed funds than with ETFs. Perhaps a good knowledge of the regional markets is worth the higher fee.
Apart from that, EM IMI is a bit of a shotgun that covers Southeast Asia, but also buys a lot of other things that have nothing to do with it.
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@randomdude There's some truth in that. Do you have an alternative suggestion?
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@fizzelfritz Sorry, I haven't dealt with that yet 🤷🏻‍♂️
I have had good experiences with an Asia-Pacific ETF (ishares). Such ETFs are also available ex-Japan.

At the time, I also wanted to include commodity companies from Australia.
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@value_hunter_82 Thank you, what is the WKN number of the ETF?
You could also put together your own WorldETF with GDP weighting. Weighted TER 0.17 approx. 5000 positions. According to Morningstar XRay K/B 2.35 instead of 3.6 and K/P 16 instead of 18.9. Some risk out but maybe also return...who knows?
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