
Play money for Atos share

Hello everyone,

my first post here.

I'm new to this platform and am happy to share my little game! 😄

Before the announcement on March 5, I quickly bought #atos and now I'm taking the wind with me.

The amount is nothing moving but let's see what else will happen with the share.

It will be interesting again in May. 🤠

Have fun with it and good luck to everyone who is also "invested" there!

Atos logo
Acheté x14705,88 à 0,003468 €
51,00 €
11 Commentaires

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Bin Mitte Februar rein, als zock. Bin momentan ca. 80% im Plus.
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@Hodlinvestor you are welcome! Reverse split and share buybacks would be interesting here again🧐
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@Hodlinvestor sold with a relaxed -100%
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@Lumimyrsky ouch...when? :(
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@zer02dreams 2 months or so ago
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@Lumimyrsky think that a little poker from here on can still be worthwhile😅🧐
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@zer02dreams I don't want to have anything more to do with this store
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@zer02dreams absolute. Ath was almost €1.3
Sold today with +125 %!!! 🤙
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bought in December and am now at +104 %, but I'm still waiting a bit 😅
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