
Sleepless, at Christmas 🫨 or what should it look like now...

Hello everyone,

In the last few days I have introduced myself and my portfolio. I have really taken your advice to heart and tried to implement it in a plausible way. Once again, a big thank you to everyone who has helped me with advice and constructive criticism. Merci! 😁

Today I'm summoning up my courage once again and presenting you with the result of the new and hopefully final restructuring. I have reduced the original 26 items to 6 items and aligned myself as follows. It didn't just come down to the $XDWL (+0,04 %) ended up. I still wanted to have some accessories.

The conversion is being done step by step, so it will take some time

Xtrackers MSCI World ETF - $XDWL (+0,04 %) - 65%

UBS LFS MSCI Emerging Markets ETF - $EMMUSA (-0,11 %) - 5%

Xtrackers MSCI Europe Hi Div Yld ESG ETF - $XZDE (+1,65 %) - 5%

Xtrackers DAX ETF - $XDDA (-0,4 %) - 5%

VanEck Defense ETF A - $DFEN (+0,24 %) - 15%

Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC Securities - $XGDU (-0,54 %) - 5%

The main value will flow into the All-World and will be supplemented by a small weighting in emerging markets.

I deliberately chose Europe and Germany because I I assume that positive developments can be expected here again in the future. Must!

The Defence item will remain in the portfolio as long as the positive trend continues. Should this change, the stock will be reallocated to All-World.

Gold is a stock that I would also like to keep in the portfolio. I am still $BTC (-5,09 %) I am still thinking about. Nothing planned (yet).

I would then allocate the monthly savings installment to the positions on a percentage basis.

That could be a reasonable basis for 2025, what do you think?

Thanks again for your feedback.

Best regards


21 Commentaires

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At 10%, you have weighted the emerging markets significantly higher than indicated. Why 10%? Since Germany is slowly being deindustrialized, is approaching EM in more and more metrics and the Dax is now highly correlated with EM indices, I would add the 5% Dax to the 5% EM.

Even if we may still be emotionally attached to the old days and our status as an industrialized nation, there are no longer many differences in terms of investment and politics.

The question remains whether 10% EM is acceptable to you?
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@EpiThank you for your feedback. Have I miscalculated or do the 10% come from the imaginary EM 5 + DAX 5?
I can certainly live with the 10%, as the classic ratio would actually be 70/30. But I also take it from your words that the plan is not so bad 😀
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@Epi yes Moin, 3rd largest world economy to be counted as EM because there is no growth

That's real Bild Zeitungen logic

If we don't do anything for 20 years now, if politics doesn't change anything, maybe. Otherwise it's complete nonsense.
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@leveragegrinding You got me! 😅

Still, you have to explain the high correlation between Dax and EM recently. How do you explain it?
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@Epi China Dependence ...
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@Epi you don't have to explain imo, macro or from an economics point of view 3 years is nothing for an economy. If we run the same for 10+ years, you can think about it.
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@leveragegrinding It is quite unlikely that a single economy will keep pace with a conglomerate of EM for 10+ years. It is also uninteresting because 10 years have already passed.
The point is to explain the trend of the past 3 years and to use this explanation to infer the development of the next 7 years.

And let's be honest, there is hardly an approach with a worse track record in market forecasting than VWL. 😅
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Nice development. But you're not betting on Europe, you're betting on Europe with high dividends. Why is that?

An investment in the DAX always represents a cluster risk for a German. You are probably already heavily invested in Germany: You have a job in Germany, so you already have a dependency. Maybe you even work for a German company. You're a family man, so you probably won't be able to emigrate so easily if things go downhill here. Another dependency. Since you are a citizen here, you are fully dependent on the economy, politics, healthcare system, ... are also fully dependent on Germany. You are also at Germany's mercy when it comes to taxes. You receive your pension from the German state. And maybe you even own your own property in Germany ... In short, you're already knee-deep in Germany. If things go up in Germany, you'll notice it even without the DAX. The same goes for when things go downhill. Do you really want to increase your dependence on Germany even further?
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@DonkeyInvestor I have selected all stocks, except for Defense, with dividends. I'm thinking that I'll pay part of the tax on the income and then either use the money to reinvest, increase the cash flow a little or simply give something to the kids. You're right about all the other points regarding Germany. I didn't realize that I was already knee-deep in investments there. I'll put the 5% towards Europe. 😄
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@Bidax but you could also take a normal European ETF that pays out dividends, without it having to be a high dividend directly. Dividend growth > high dividend. I don't even dare to link the matching post from my profile 😅
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@DonkeyInvestor I'll have a look right away 😅
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@DonkeyInvestor I read that one. I'm not young anymore 😂
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@Bidax Everything under 60 is young 😘
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@DonkeyInvestor 😂😂😂 Well, I'd like to live longer, but I don't think I'll live past 70; my job is nerve-wracking. So I'm already old now
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Oh, and probably a bad time to ask the community a question. 2nd Christmas Day, in the evening, ... There's not much going on here. Post will probably get less attention than if you were to publish it on January 8 at 10 a.m.
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You have several options for "rebalancing"

Sell shares / ETFs and use savings lump sum if not already done

Adjust savings plans accordingly and thus restructure the securities account
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Hello Daniel, you keep talking about an "all-world", whereas your core is a world. There is already a difference. I would streamline the portfolio even more. Instead of the World + EM, take an All-World, e.g. $VWCE. Then you would have one ETF less and approx. 5% more EM. I wouldn't generally use the DAX and there are certainly better ETF alternatives in the EU. Perhaps even $EXUS would be an alternative in this case. "Defense" ETF would be too heavily weighted for me. I haven't looked at the performance, but it would be too tricky for me. But it could also work out, who knows ☺️. Gold, on the other hand, would be too low for me, personally I would rather aim for a slightly higher weighting, it's more like a drop in the ocean. And I'm not sure whether your ETF/ETC is really tax-free after one year! But the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with your strategy 😊
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@ShrimpTheGimp You are right. Wrong statement on my part. I meant the core should be a world. Sorry. All-World would then be $SPSA, for example. I would really like to leave Defense as it is and just observe it. Gold, there's nothing left of the percentages 😂 ... I'll think about how I can increase that to 10%. I'll take a closer look at your tip regarding Europe. But thanks for your feedback
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You still have the $SPSA in your portfolio, don't you? It offers a very good basis.
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@ShrimpTheGimp That's right. I have it in my depot.
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