
Xiaomi first profit taking

Today I decided to sell parts of my Xiaomi position to take first profits. I think the best scenario would be if I can buy again in the event of a major correction.

Xiaomi logo
a vendu x145 à 6,919 €
1 003,26 €
151,60 %
7 Commentaires

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Let profits run, limit losses
@Stefania do you set a stop loss when you have big profits?
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@8fionn No, not if I am convinced by the company...
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But so let it go.
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No one has ever become poor from profit-taking. 🚀
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@Muruc I am also strongly considering making a first partial sale today and letting the rest continue.
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@Kauli I sold half of my position at around €5 (in hindsight a bit too early😂) to eliminate risk and just let profits run. I personally think that it is a good strategy to have no more risk in positions. But you have to decide 💪🏽
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