
Best business model in the world?

Installed Da Vinci systems (surgical robots)

2014: 3.266

2015: 3.597

2016: 3.919

2017: 4.409

2018: 4.986

2019: 5.582

2020: 5.989

2021: 6.730

2022: 7.544

2023: 8.606

2024: 9.902

Share price

2014: 58.77 US dollars

2024: 521.96 US dollars

Are you on board with Intuitive Surgical $ISRG (-4,62 %) on board?

2 Commentaires

image de profil
And why is it the best business model?
image de profil
You're a bit late, there are now many competitors who also produce good equipment.
Then look around in the energy sector or mining.
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