
Uber profitability

$UBER (-2,45 %)

$UBER (-2,45 %) shows impressive profitability.

Operating Margin:

2017: -49%

2024: 14%


$UBER (-2,45 %) achieves impressive operating leverage on a large scale.

Selling and administrative expenses have fallen significantly in relation to sales over the last five years.


Further developments will be exciting to see whether and how they will integrate autonomous driving.

Further news:

$DAL (-5,42 %) links its loyalty program with $UBER (-2,45 %) ends the partnership with $LYFT (-2,42 %)


$TSLA (-4,32 %)
$NVDA (-3,63 %)

$UBER (-2,45 %) and $NVDA (-3,63 %) announced that they are working together to develop new solutions to support the development of AI-supported technology for autonomous driving.

Millions of rides are taken with Uber every day, providing a huge source of data that the companies plan to combine with the Nvidia Cosmos platform and Nvidia DGX Cloud. The companies will announce further details later this year.


8 Commentaires

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You're making Uber more and more appealing to me. I hope the calculation works out, good luck.
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@Tenbagger2024 😂 That's a good thing
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@BamBamInvest are very confident when you go straight in with a large position.
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@Tenbagger2024 I usually go in with a large position, I don't have that many 😂
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@BamBamInvest Are you also invested in Austria?
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@Tenbagger2024 No, because most tech start-ups are bought up, rather than being acquired.
Simply a great company! I'm very positive about the next few years👍
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@fund_commander_odfiv Me too, it will be very exciting
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