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Entire bibles have been written here on Getquin on the subject of "don't sell until you're back in the black", which is why it's nonsense. If you are no longer convinced of something, you should reallocate. If your money is growing faster - or at all - elsewhere, then put it in there as soon as you can.
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@KevinC Well, some say so, others say so. I doubt that it makes sense to sell cyclicals at the low point because you are no longer convinced of them. For some people, that would be tantamount to liquidating their portfolio and selling the remainder in a top growth stock that they never had on their radar before.
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@KleinviehmachtMist I can basically understand your point. My guess is that people who are at the beginning of their strategy development are probably already struggling with how to classify shares. Anyone who bought PayPal at €240 would now be at just under -80%. Sure, it's not a cyclical company. But how does someone who is still looking for their strategy know that?